My Geography Book By
ATOLL A circle of small islands with a lagoon in the center
BUTTE A mountain with a small, flat top
CAVE A hole in the side of a hill or mountain
DELTA An area at the mouth of a river, often fan-shaped, where plants grow easily
DESERT A hot, dry, flat area usually covered with sand
GULF A body of ocean water mostly surrounded by land
HILL A rounded area of land rising above the plains
ICEBERG A large piece of ice floating in an ocean
LAGOON Shallow seawater surrounded by a circle of islands
LAKE Water surrounded by land
MESA A mountain with a large, flat top
MOUNTAIN Land rising high above the plains
OCEAN One of the main bodies of water that cover the earth
PENINSULA Land that “sticks out” into water
PLAINS A large area of flat land
RIVER A long, large stream
VALLEY The low land between hills or mountains
VOLCANO A mountain with a hole in the top that hot lava can flow out of
WATERFALL Water that flows over the edge of a cliff