The Global Fund Partnership in LAC Working together to achieve results and impact through sustainable programs Allocations Sustainability Implementation in countries
Balancing increases and paced reductions through portfolio Refined methodology balances scale up and paced reductions Increases in many countries with higher burden, lower economic capacity on average 15% higher than current and projected spend levels (1-114% across portfolio) Balanced with sustainable paced reductions to many countries with lower burden, higher economic capacity, on average 86% of current and projected spend (60-99% across 90% of portfolio representing 98% of allocation amount) Global Fund’s new Sustainability, Transition and Co-financing and Challenging Operating Environment support program sustainability, transition and flexibilities in crises
Increased funding to extreme and severe disease burden countries Distribution of 2017-2019 Allocations – Disease Burden HIV TB Malaria $800 $800 $800 Increased funding to extreme and severe disease burden countries
LAC GENERAL OVERVIEW (past and future) Overall we have 22 countries and 46 individual country grants in the new allocation – (consolidation of 4 countries into MCC ( HIV/TB 4 countries), and other into HIV/TB 3 countries ) Allocations 2014-16 vs. 2017-19 DISEASE 3 YEAR ALLOCATION EQUIVALENT 2014-16 PROJECTED EXPENDITURE 2017-19 ALLOCATIONS % prior allocation % prior projected expenditure HIV 270,352,859 235,140,927 199,414,981 73.76% 84.81% TB 82,658,970.25 69,647,857.84 55,619,016 67.29% 79.86% Malaria 71,324,108 61,452,081 47,206,031 66.19% 76.82% HIV/TB 16,700,000 15,500,000 9,952,565 59.60% 64.21% TOTAL 441,035,937 381,740,866 312,192,593.00 70.79% 81.78%
Distribution by country past present and future Disease Currency Allocations 2014-16 spend to end of grant Country total 17-19 % of prior allocation % prior spend Belize Total USD 3,400,000 3,300,000 1,916,278 56.36% 58.07% Bolivia (Plurinational State) 32,632,236 27,200,000 18,632,258 57.10% 68.50% Colombia 14,600,000 11,800,000 10,014,581 68.59% 84.87% Costa Rica 3,700,000 3,160,005 2,120,098 57.30% 67.09% Cuba 16,400,000 18,400,000 13,253,226 80.81% 72.03% Dominican Republic 37,400,000 32,054,698 20,488,796 54.78% 63.92% Ecuador 12,259,984 9,227,431 5,328,421 43.46% 57.75% El Salvador 28,300,000 28,900,000 18,724,557 66.16% 64.79% Guatemala 55,600,000 46,702,701 31,985,369 57.53% 68.49% Guyana 13,920,015 7,300,000 6,105,356 43.86% 83.64% Haiti 91,011,032 78,200,000 105,712,929 116.15% 135.18% Honduras 30,694,820 25,600,000 18,124,919 59.05% 70.80% Jamaica 14,400,000 13,470,131 9,930,638 68.96% 73.72% Multicountry Carribbean3 4,000,000 3,550,000 88.75% Nicaragua 30,570,902 28,400,000 18,995,233 62.14% 66.88% Panama 5,800,000 5,400,000 2,685,892 46.31% 49.74% Paraguay 19,700,000 15,624,065 7,348,288 37.30% 47.03% Peru 20,846,948 17,951,835 13,463,877 64.58% 75.00% Suriname 5,050,000 3,811,877 65.72% 75.48% 441035937 381,740,866 312,192,593 70.79% 81.78%
Countries/components transition 3 to 6 and 9 years
Countries prioritized as UMI, and LMI with moderate disease burden where work on transition needs to begin
Components that remain depending on trends and resources as per eligibility today
All UMIs and LMIs with low/moderate disease burden need to prepare for eventual transition LMI countries with at least one disease component with low /moderate DB UMI countries This is not just the AELAC countries, though it is important to note that EECA has the fastest growing HIV and TB epidemics. Key high prevalence countries are in this bucket, including: South Africa, Botswana, Namibia Source: Global Fund eligibility list 2016
How are grants implementing in the current phase
Performing well above 70% ( 6 components)
Performance is acceptable (15 components)
Components with delays ( 11 components)
7 grants began 2017 and 8 pending submission of data and 1 pending FA signature
Impact and capacity to implement LAC numbers are not the driving force for funding in the region, but : The resources have been catalytic to drive national response, and LAC governments have been increasingly providing and supporting the national response with national resources. #s LAC has demonstrated the capacity to implement the resources given effectively and achieve the target set for them . This has led to significant decreases in TB, Malaria and HIV in the region. LAC is a region where we can be innovative, scale and test innovation within grants to then learn . All LAC countries with the exception of Haiti are in the L- LMI to UMI category and hence will transition in the next 3-12 years based on ( projections), with a few exceptions, mainly HIV grants in some countries . Sustainability and transition becomes the most critical area to work on with countries, utilizing and ensuring effective implementation of the approved Board policy.
Thank you