Marriages That Glorify Jesus 1 Peter 3:1-7
Marriages That Glorify Jesus For Women: Submission and Modesty (1-6). Submission Reflects Jesus (1-2). Modesty Displays True Beauty (3-4). Holy Women Hope in God (5-6).
Marriages That Glorify Jesus For Women: Submission and Modesty (1-6). For Men: Understanding and Honor (7).
Marriages That Glorify Jesus
Marriages That Glorify Jesus For Women: Submission and Modesty (1-6). For Men: Understanding and Honor (7). Understanding Reflects Christ’s Kindness. Honor Acknowledges Her Status in Christ. Our Relationships Affect Our Walk with God.
Marriages That Glorify Jesus For Women: Submission and Modesty (1-6). For Men: Understanding and Honor (7). For Everyone: Pursue Unity and Forgiveness (8-12).
Marriages That Glorify Jesus Are you developing habits now that will lead to a healthy marriage later? Are you actively pursuing the character of Christ in your own marriage?