UNICEF is mandated by the United Nations General Assembly to advocate for the protection of children's rights, to help meet their basic needs and to expand their opportunities to reach their full potential. UNICEF is guided by the Convention on the Rights of the Child-
SUPPLY SOLUTIONS FOR CHILDREN UNICEF is mandated by the United Nations General Assembly to advocate for the protection of children's rights, to help meet their basic needs and to expand their opportunities to reach their full potential. UNICEF is guided by the Convention on the Rights of the Child and strives to establish children's rights as enduring ethical principles and international standards of behaviour towards children. SUPPLY SOLUTIONS FOR CHILDREN
Total Procurement 2009: $1.75 billion 87% of is for essential supplies for children 126 Country Offices USD 1,750,000,000 UNICEF operates globally, through headquarters in New York; Geneva; Copenhagen; Florence; Brussels; Tokyo and seven regional offices, - Locally, we work in 158 countries and territories through 126 Country Offices, 7 Regional Offices, 6 HQ locations and 37 National Committees - Procurement in 2009: USD 1,750,000,000 - Total Procurement 2009: $1.75 billion - 87% of procurement is for essential supplies for children At a glance statistics which can give you a comparative visual of what we procure the most. Head and shoulders above all else is vaccines. Vaccines is, incidentally, probably the most complex commodity to procure and distribute. We don’t actually store vaccines in this warehouse. They go directly from the supplier to the country where they will be used, and then transported to the communities where immunisation campaigns are taking place.
UNICEF IS THE LEADING AGENCY FOR CHILDREN’S SUPPLIES WHERE DO WE BUY? In 2009, 11 of the top 20 supplier countries were from the developing world
UNICEF PROCUREMENT IS GLOBAL AND LOCAL Copenhagen New York Shanghai hub Dubai hub Panama hub 7% from warehouses 22% procured locally 71% procured globally
THE FOUR ESSENTIAL ELEMENTS FOR SUPPLY AND LOGISTICS OPERATIONS QUALITY PRICE SPEED ETHICS Quality of products and fit for purpose - only purchases goods and equipment to implement its mandate; - purchases primarily from manufacturers and authorized representatives; - evaluates and registers suppliers with which it does business; - purchases products that comply with recognised technical standards; Best Value for Money and Speed of delivery: - uses competitive tendering for all procurement; invites an appropriate geographical range of suppliers to tender; Ethics: - does not purchase from companies employing child labour, nor manufacturers of land mines and their components. - does not purchase from companies found to have undertaken unethical, unprofessional or fraudulent activities. - Sustainability (social, environmental, economical factors) - - see innovation in Supply Annual Report 2009
SUPPLY CATALOGUE www.supply.unicef.dk/Catalogue/ Contains the specifications for 1,700 items. All applications to become a supplier with UNICEF are to be made via the United Nations Global Marketplace (UNGM) website http://www.ungm.org/ www.UNGM.org Free of charge On-line registration The necessary first step Consulted by all UN agencies Information source on UN procurement A new supply catalogue is in the process of being launched in June/July 2010 FURTHER INFORMATION IS AVAILABLE ON THE INTERNET www.unicef.org/supply email: supplierapplications@unicef.org