Redeemer Lutheran Church


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Presentation transcript:

Redeemer Lutheran Church God Saves Solus Christus Redeemer Lutheran Church Sunday, October 15th 2017

Welcome to Redeemer! This week we see that God’s grace accomplished our salvation in Christ, and Christ alone. 500 years ago, people traded grace for self-validation. Today, the same self-help theology is seen in those who, if they admit a need for a Savior, only want part of him.

Welcome to Redeemer! However, where Jesus doesn’t work completely, there can be no certainty. Thus, half a millennium later, the Savior who literally calmed the seas at one time, calms hearts for all time. Still.

Volunteer Sign-Up Online Check out our website Click on “For Our Members” Sign up for volunteers & activities Receive reminder emails

For Our Guests If you have questions, let us try to help. Speak with an usher, greeter, or the person next to you. If you’d like to learn more about Redeemer and its ministry, please talk to Pastor Wolfe or a church member after the service.

Children’s Time Children age 3 to 2nd Grade Activities during the sermon that are age appropriate

Men’s Study & Fellowship Monday nights At Pastor Moldenhauer’s home Study God’s Word & enjoy food & football 6:30pm

All Invited! Join us for our Area Festival Reformation Worship Service Sunday, October 29th 4:00pm @ Redeemer, Mandan Members are asked to bring a potato dish to share

Young Worshipers There are children’s bulletins coloring pages & quiet bags with crayons and books available in the back of church for our young worshipers.

Our annual “Trunk or Treat” outreach event at Redeemer will be held on Saturday, October 28th , 3:00 pm - 5:00 pm Volunteers needed, please sign-up. See bulletin for more details.

Jesus Cares Special Needs Ministry Today @ 1:00 pm Activities & Bible study Serving our community Talk to Janna Reinhard for more information

Children's Message Each week, our younger worshipers are invited to the front of church before the sermon hymn to hear a special message for them from Pastor Wolfe.

There is a severe shortage of homes in Burleigh & Morton counties Talk to Pastor or Jessie to learn more about helping

New Catechisms for Purchase Synod released a new version of Luther’s Small Catechism this summer New and old versions of the catechism are available for all members for purchase at the church office

Need to Know What’s Going On? Our church website has the info you need right at your fingertips Check the church calendar Get access to sermons And much more

It’s Alzheimer’s It’s Time For Extraordinary Love Seminar Details November 11th Doors open at 9:30 am RSVP in the church office or $10 registration fee See bulletin for more details

Craft & Bake Sale Today Please stop by and look at all the goodies and support the Family Ministry Bake Sale

Wednesdays in the Word 6:00 – 7:00 Bible Study Teens – Women’s –Young Adults – Catechism Children 7:15 – 8:15 Choir

Family Fun Day Today After congregational meeting Potluck Dinner – bring a dish to share Corn Maze South of Mandan – families will need to pay for own admission.

Prayer Before Worship Savior Jesus, you came into the world to defeat Satan and conquer death. We praise our Father for keeping his promise of forgiveness and grace. Bless our songs of worship and words of praise and prayer. Amen.

Mission of the Month Sept & Oct Kingdom Workers

Called to Serve – Where can you help? Sunday staffed nursery Sunday school teacher Greeter, usher, bulletin assembly Sunday snacks Musicians

Christmas Flowers Sing up in the entry Would you like to purchase a flower to grace our worship area for Christmas? Sing up in the entry

“Pages on the Prairie” Thursday, October 26th 7:00pm Erin Hehr’s home A Man Called Ove by Frederick Backman