Teaching Speaking
Finding the balance With beginners, Finding the balance between providing language through controlled and guided activities and at the same time letting them enjoy natural talk is a crucial factor Most of our pupils have little opportunity to practice speaking English outside the classroom and so need lots of practice when they are in class.
Correction Inmediate correction (at once) during controlled and guided activities (we want them to produce correct language. When learners are working on free oral activities (expressing what they want to say or expressisng themselves and their own personality) correction should be done later in the class.
Presentation of language Free practice Guided practice Controlled practice Presentation of language
Presenting new language orally Children Need some language before they can produce some Through students. Using a mascot. Drawings
Cotrolled Practice Controlled practice goes hand in hand with presentation . It is important that Learners try the new language as soon as they hear it.
Guided Practice To be continued …. Guided practice folows on from controled practice and it is done usually in pairs or small groups. Guided practice gives the learners some kind of choice (though it is limited). To be continued ….
Some Examples of guided Practice Whar’s the time Chain work Dialogues and role play work Using objects.
Free practice activities They focus on the message (the language is limited by the activity itself) There is genuine communication (the situation may be artificial) They really show what the students can or cannot do with the language. Concentrate in meaning more than in correctness. Teacher control is minimal during the activity. The atmosphere should be informal and non-competitive. There is often a game element in the activity
Most of the activities are based on the Information gap principle. “A” knows something that “B” doesn’t know, and “B” wants that information. Pairwork
Sources Scott, W and Ytreberg, L (2009). Teaching English to Children. Pearson Education Limited.