Cattle Production From Written by Matt Bierds Ag Student Texas A&M GA Ag Ed Curriculum Office To accompany the Georgia Agriculture Education Curriculum Lesson 02421-2.3 July 2001
Fun Facts 7.1 Billion beef servings in restaurants. 10 % increase since 1990 5.5 Billion burgers sold in restaurants in 1998 361 Million steaks served in restaurants
Fun Facts (cont.) Beef exports increased ~10% in 1999. Beef is consumed 77.3 Million times each day across America.
Beef Consumption Each person consumes ~68 pounds of beef per year. Slight decrease from the past. Why? Total meat ~220 pounds consumed per year. Slight increase. How can this be explained?
Who’s Hungry 26 Million pounds of beef sold in 2000. 54.8 Billion dollars of beef consumed. Constant and steady rise. Total cows- 98 Million Decreasing in numbers. Why?
Expenditures $200 spent per year for beef products. Decrease in percent of money spent on meat products. Increase in poultry and pork.
Average prices Costs $2.60 per pound of beef Fluctuates higher and lower Why do you think this happens?
Exports vs. Imports Export- 4.44 Billion Import- 3.20 Billion Surplus- helps the economy. Where do we export to?
Cattle By-products 82 Dollars of value per 1000 pound steer. What makes up this most of this? Hide @ 60% of the total value.
Conclusion Beef cattle is a huge enterprise in our economy. Small farms are an icon of the past. Consumption versus Production.