SADC WRC-15 Preparatory Meeting AGENDA ITEM 8 To consider and take appropriate action on requests from administrations to delete their country footnotes or have their country name deleted from footnotes, if no longer required, taking into account Resolutions 26 [Rev.WRC-07). Malawi
Relevant Resolution Resolution 26 (Rev.WRC-07) Footnotes to the Table of Frequency Allocations in Article 5of the Radio Regulations.
Background This agenda item promotes the updating of the Table of Frequency Allocations by requesting Administrations to actively review footnotes and to propose the deletion of their country footnotes or of their country names from footnotes, as appropriate.
Background …cont’d Footnotes in the Table of Frequency Allocations should be clear, concise and understandable. They should relate directly to matters of frequency allocations rather than dealing with the operation of stations, assignment of frequencies or other matters. The Table of Frequency Allocations should include only those footnotes, which have international implications for the use of the radio-frequency spectrum
Frequency Bands under Consideration 8.3KHz to 100 GHz
POSITIONS OF REGIONAL BODIES APT APT Members are encouraged to review their footnotes and to propose, as soon as possible, the deletion of their country names or the deletion of country footnotes to the Table of Frequency Allocations in Article 5 of the Radio Regulations, if no longer required, taking into account Resolution 26 (Rev.WRC-07). APT Members do not support the use of this Agenda item to facilitate the adding of country names to footnotes or the addition of new country footnotes.
POSITIONS OF REGIONAL BODIES…cont’d CEPT CEPT is of the view that there is no need to change the Resolution 26 (Rev. WRC 07). It is proposed to consider under the agenda item 8 two issues: Issue A – Deletion of country footnotes or country names from footnotes. Issue B – Addition of country names into footnotes or new country footnotes.
POSITIONS OF REGIONAL BODIES…Cont’d Arab Group Arab Administrations are encouraged to review their footnotes in Article 5 in the RR and provide their positions to the WRC-15 after coordination with neighbouring countries. CANADA Will be reviewing its country footnotes and the inclusion of its country name in existing footnotes to the ITU Table of Frequency Allocations with a view to determining their relevance.
POSITIONS OF REGIONAL BODIES…cont’d RCC RCC Administrations support the ITU-R activity towards global harmonization of radio spectrum use through reasonable reduction of countries' footnotes to Article 5 of the Radio Regulations. RCC Administrations consider that this agenda item is not intended for addition of country names into the footnotes to Article 5 of the Radio Regulations.
POSITIONS OF International organisations NATO The AI 8 is not covered by the current Preliminary NATO Military Position for WRC-15. SFCG In the objectives of SFCG for WRC-15 the AI 8 is not identified as affecting space science services. WMO In the WMO preliminary position on WRC-15 Agenda the AI 8 is not indicated as having any positive or negative effect on development and operation of meteorological systems and applications or as potentially having an impact on WMO interests.
POSITIONS OF International organisations...cont’d IARU There are a number of country footnotes that apply to amateur service allocations, some of which appear to be obsolete. In particular, the IARU invites the administrations listed in Nos. 5.98, 5.99, 5.102, 5.119, and 5.122 relating to the bands 1810-1830 kHz, 1850-2000 kHz, 3500-3750 kHz, and 3750-4000 kHz to consider proposing the deletion of their country names from these footnotes.
Rapporteurs Comments There is a need to provide feedback on the current status of footnotes. The proposed time frame for submission of updates by Administrations within two weeks.