Harvey Two Face Dent heading out to rob a bank. bbl facebook Wall Photos Flair Boxes Harvey Dent Logout Harvey Two Face Dent heading out to rob a bank. bbl Wall Info Photos Boxes Write something… Share View photos of Harvey (5) Harvey Two Face Dent is heading out to rob a bank. bbl Just now… Send Harvey a message Poke message Batman to Harvey Two Face Dent I need a break, heading off to the Bahamas. Don’t do anything too bad while I’m gone. September 31, 2008 Information Networks: Gotham City Birthday: May 29, 1917 Political: Undecided Religion: Atheist Hometown: Gotham City, USA Harvey Two Face Dent the doctor just told me I’m bipolar… so I shot him. September 18, 2008 Harvey Two Face Dent just got a new coin. Gonna go flip it a few times. September 17, 2008 Friends Harvey Two Face Dent man why does the left side of my face hurt so bad right now? September 9, 1962 The Riddler Joker Penguin Harvey Two Face Dent Just got out of the hospital, the scars are getting better, maybe. April 17, 1961 Batman Robin Catwoman
Harvey Two Face Dent is heading out to rob a bank bbl. facebook Wall Photos Flair Boxes Harvey Two Face Dent Logout Harvey Two Face Dent is heading out to rob a bank bbl. Wall Info Photos Boxes Basic Information Networks: Gotham City Sex: Male Birthday: January 8, 1965 Hometown: Gotham City, USA Relationship Status: Divorced Political Views: Undecided Religious Views: Atheist View photos of Harvey (5) Send Two Face a message Poke message Personal Information Activities: terrorizing Gotham, Flipping coins, being a District Attorney. Interests: solving crimes, committing crimes, law studies, comic books Favorite Music: Metallica, Little River Band, Plies, Katy Perry Favorite Movies: The Dark Knight, Batman Beyond, The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. Favorite TV Shows: The Adventures of Batman And Robin Favorite Books: DC Comics, Angels and Demons, Information Networks: Gotham City Birthday: January 8, 1965 Political: Undecided Religion: Atheist Hometown: Gotham City, USA Contact Information Photos 2 Albums Address: West 25th Street, Gotham City, NYC, USA 89178 Phone Number: (212)489-0998 After Updated last Tuesday Before the Accident Updated two months ago
Harvey Two Face Dent heading out to rob a bank bbl facebook Wall Photos Flair Boxes Harvey Two Face Dent Logout Harvey Two Face Dent heading out to rob a bank bbl Wall Info Photos Boxes Photos of Two Face 7 Photos Two Face’s Albums 2 Albums 5 photos After 5 photos Before the accident 1 photo Profile Pictures