NOC Report Jan. 30, 2004 Kazunori Konishi
Network Activities Hard workings - Daily operation/engineering : stable team - Network Planning - Joint projects on bilateral base - Reporting to Gov. for getting a new link - Negotiation with telecom carriers - Network design: JP-CN, etc. - Network deployment: JP-Hawaii - Demonstrations
NOC meeting Presentations were made for Information exchange & promoting collaborations: 1). Dongkyun Kim: "KREONET Updates" 2). Yasuichi Kitamura: "APAN-JP Updates" 3). Steve Maddocks: "AARNet3 and the Australian 10G research lambda" 4). James G. Williams: "Update on US National and International Networking Initiatives" 5). Chris Robb: "The Hybrid Packet Optical Initiative as a Connectivity Solution"
Election Chris Myers is new elected deputy director of NOC by taking over the duty from John Barlow
Engineering Workshop At 9:00 – 12:30 today Three topics were presented & discussed: Routing : Stability, Hybrid - pre-computation & dynamic) TCP performance (Code, TransPAC Test Infra., e-vLBI) (3) Measurement Infra. (Abilene, Planet, JP) International joint projects have started over long latency links!