Session I: Scoping Project and Explore Possibilities Module 3: Project Formulation/Preparation BunChhoeuth KENG; September 2016
Contents Learning Objective What is project scoping? How important is project scoping? How to conduct project scoping? Recommended tool to be used in project scoping What is the exploring possibilities? How important is exploring possibilities
Contents How to conduct exploring possibilities? Recommended tool to be used in exploring possibilities Exercises
1. Learning Objective Participants will understand how to conduct project scoping and explore possibilities
2. What is project scoping? A key management practice A part of project planning It is also a process of identifying issues, concerns and opportunities
3. How important is project scoping? Defines broad parameters Sets approximate boundaries Exploring possibilities It is the first step in PFP. It defines broad parameters of project Sets approximate boundaries for what the project will attempt to do (WWF, 2006).
4. How to conduct project scoping? Process 1. Identify a draft project goal 2. Identify a project objective/purpose 3. Define name of a project 4. Identify a project period 5. Identify geographic areas
4. How to conduct project scoping? Process 6. Identify beneficiaries 7. Identify collaborators 8. Define project strategy for implementation 9. Identify resources
4. How to conduct project scoping? Resource Mobilization Annex 1-project scoping framework 4. How to conduct project scoping? Resource Mobilization Staff Raise fund to recruit needed staff members Establish a volunteer component Work in partnership with volunteer organizations/institutions Equipment and materials Propose for fund from donors Partnering with others to get donations
4. How to conduct project scoping? Resource Mobilization Annex 1-project scoping framework 4. How to conduct project scoping? Resource Mobilization Information technology Propose to donor(s) to recruit IT expert(s) Work in partnership with other NGOs or institutions Finance Resource mobilization strategy and plan Set up small enterprise that can generate income
5. Recommended tool to be used in project scoping? Annex 1-project scoping framework 5. Recommended tool to be used in project scoping? Project scoping framework Geographic area Beneficiaries Collaborators Strategies Resources What we need What we have Gap Project title: Equal Develop Project Project Period: 5 years (2016-2020) Goal: To promote gender equality and equity in development of communities and to increase participation of women in leadership in society Project Objective: To develop capacity of women on leadership in order that they are able to take leadership roles in their communities 100 communities in 3 provinces All community people, but the main focus is women and young girls. Local government Elders Develop capacity of women and young girls 25 qualified staff 15 10 15 laptops 8 7 3 Desktops 2 1
6. What is the exploring possibilities? Annex 1-project scoping framework 6. What is the exploring possibilities? A process of analyzing and identifying new possible project ideas A method of identifying new project opportunity
7. How important is exploring possibilities? Annex 1-project scoping framework 7. How important is exploring possibilities? Respond to call for proposal Rresource mobilization and fundraising strategy Respond to ToR
8. How to do Exploring Possibilities? Annex 1-project scoping framework 8. How to do Exploring Possibilities? Analyzing ToR Reflect with project goal and objective
8. How to do Exploring Possibilities? Annex 1-project scoping framework 8. How to do Exploring Possibilities? Exploring possibilities Identify areas for research Identify barberries or challenges Develop methods for data gathering and analysis Develop research question Identify resources needed
8. How to do Exploring Possibilities? Annex 1-project scoping framework 8. How to do Exploring Possibilities? Possibilities Identification Identify priorities or needs for intervention Identify current projects/activities responding to those priorities/needs Identify what gaps exist and need to be filled Identify potential projects who can fill the gaps and develop mechanism to get them engaged
8. How to do Exploring Possibilities? Annex 1-project scoping framework 8. How to do Exploring Possibilities? Possibilities Identification Identify the new possibilities for new project Recommendations for decision making
9. Recommended tool to be used in exploring possibilities? Tool 1: Expectations and Alignment Analysis Framework Tool 2: Exploring Possibilities Framework Tool 3: Possibilities Identification Framework
9. Recommended tool to be used in exploring possibilities 9. Recommended tool to be used in exploring possibilities? Tool 1: Expectations and Alignment Analysis Framework Expectations in ToR Project Alignment Recommendations Goal Objective Women can better access to NRM To promote gender equality and leadership To develop capacity of women on leadership Women can better access to NRM and increase number women in playing role in decision making are well aligned and project goal and objective The project should consider exploring new project idea to capture this funding opportunity Increase number of women in playing role in decision making
9. Recommended tool to be used in exploring possibilities 9. Recommended tool to be used in exploring possibilities? Tool 2: Exploring Possibilities Framework Research Question Questions to Ask Priorities Informants Methods Area for research: 1- Local governance Current status of local governance in relation to NRM NRM policy and framework Capacity of local authorities in NRM Organic laws and legal framework Literature review Local authorities respond to the needs of people Advocacy capacity Community people NGOs Private sectors Semi-structured interview and Focused Group Discussions (FGDs)
9. Recommended tool to be used in exploring possibilities? Tool 3: Possibilities Identification Framework Priorities/ needs Current projects Gaps Possibilities Recommendations Capacity of local authorities in NRM Two NGOs Forestry and fishery departments Low capacity of local authority in in NRM Limited cooperation between commune leaders and relevant departments. Capacity development to commune leaders and councilors Facilitate dialogue among commune leaders and relevant departments Should consider it as a high priority as it fits very well with the project objectives.
10. Exercises Materials: flip chart, markers Exercise type: Small group work Purpose: to practice on project scoping Activities: Provides introduction to participants Divides participants into five small groups.
10. Exercises Each group selects one of 7 problems as follow: Low organic agricultural productions. Youth do not participate in community development. Poor general health and well-being of community members High incidence of sexual and reproductive health of young people aged 16 – 30. Unsustainable use of natural resources. Low consumption of clean water.
10. Exercises Each group analyze the problem they selected: Identify causes of identified problem Identify project goal and objective Define name of a project Identify a project period Identify geographic areas Identify beneficiaries Identify collaborators Define project strategies Identify resources
10. Exercises Each group has approximately 30 minutes: Identify areas for research Develop methods and approach for data collection and analyzing Develop research questions (key research question) Identify what are other questions to ask Decide who will be the informants Decide to how to collect data Please use scoping framework in the next slide
10. Exercises Scoping framework Geographic area Beneficiaries Collaborators Strategies Resources What we need What we have Gap Project title: Project Period: Goal: Project Objective:
References NAO. (2015). Scoping Document. Norwest Aviation Operations. WWF. (2006). Resources for Implementing the WWF Project & Programme Standards. World Wildlife Fund.