Doncaster Research School by Partners in Learning
The Research Schools Network 23 Research Schools have been appointed nationally, 12 of them in the DfE Social Mobility Opportunity Areas. They work closely together as the Research Schools Network. This is a partnership between the EEF and the Institute of Effective Education to fund a network of schools who will support the use of evidence to improve teaching and learning. Partners in Learning was successful in its application to become a Research School in June 2017 and from 1st September 2017 became Doncaster Research School by Partners in Learning.
What is the purpose of Research Schools? Research Schools aim to lead the way in the use of evidence-based practice and bring research closer to schools. Through the network they share what they know about putting research into practice, and support schools to make better use of evidence to inform their teaching and learning so that they really make a difference in the classroom. What do Research Schools do? Encourage schools in their network to make use of evidence-based programmes and practices through regular communication and events. Provide training and professional development for senior leaders and teachers on how to improve classroom practice based on the best available evidence. Support schools to develop innovative ways of improving teaching and learning and provide them with the expertise to evaluate their impact.
Communication Training Innovation What do Research Schools do? Newsletter Social media Blogs Conferences What do Research Schools do? Research Schools work with the other schools in their local network to support them to make better use of evidence to inform their teaching and learning. Training Deliver workshop programmes for leaders and teachers Communication All schools: Publish newsletters Social media reach (twitter) Arrange and host a conferences/events with a target number of attendees Keeping website up to date- including writing blogs and advertising events. Some Research Schools may also want to deliver additional communication activity which could include (but is not limited to): ● Speaking engagements ● Twilights ● Seminars ● Hub meetings ● Roadshows ● Creating research summaries and other related materials Be clear about the differences between communication activities (creating engagement but probably not leading to a change in classroom practice) and Training and Modelling (following evidence around effective professional development to try and change teaching practice). Training All RSs will be expected to deliver at least 2 training programmes over the course of the year. There will be a bank of training programmes which have been developed within the RSN which are available to all Research Schools. Currently, these include: Making best use of TAs Leading Learning Literacy in the Early Years Research Lead training Maths professional development lead Teacher-led research. Some schools may also like to contribute to the development of training programmes. Any programmes developed would be available to all Research Schools. Innovation This will be part of some RS plans, but may not be prioritised in some areas (e.g. if it is felt there are more pressing needs in an area). This involves working with other schools to develop and evaluation innovative practices which are rooted in the wider research evidence. Support with developing innovations and evaluation models Applications for research innovation grants Invitations to participate in new and developing evaluations Innovation Support other school in evaluating innovative practice
What a Research School is not Support for doing small scale action research Resources to support the Research School in getting better at research itself An opportunity to support further degrees An extension of the Teaching School Funding for MATS or groups of schools to have research leads in each school None of these are bad – they are just not the focus of Research Schools!
What can you expect from Doncaster Research School by Partners in Learning? Direct and signpost to promising sources of evidence through our website and monthly newsletter Deliver long term evidence-based professional development to teachers and senior leaders eg improving literacy in KS1 & 2, improving maths in KS2 and 3 (based on EEF guidance reports) Promote opportunities for schools to become involved in pilot programmes and research projects: EYFS ‘Easy Peasy’ pilot for 30 eligible schools in Doncaster KS2 Reflect Ed metacognition trial (Rosendale Research School) KS1-KS4 Reading project (Professor Kate Cain – Lancaster University), KS1-KS4 Working Memory project (Dr Joni Holmes – University of Cambridge) Support schools in applying for funding to evaluate promising innovative practice
Next Steps for Schools Sign up to Doncaster Research School by Partners in Learning monthly newsletter – first edition w/c 2nd October (automatic sign up for member schools and system leaders) Access the Doncaster Research School by Partners in Learning Complete the RS school survey (survey monkey) w/b 16.10.17 Follow us on twitter – DoncasterResearch @RSDoncaster Participate in pilot evaluations and research trials Attend training events – briefings, conferences, workshops, evidence-based training programmes. GET INVOLVED!