Final Course Project Presentation By Anthony Yang
Brief Recap: Motivations/Background Self interest + gain more knowledge Personal Laziness create a program that can summary an article for you This program incorporates the idea of text mining/document summarization
Brief Recap: Challenges Limited knowledge on Java Programming Language Limited legit coding experience First Computer Science-related research; don’t know how it will turn out Limited time to do research
Proposed techniques/Approaches Programming Language: Java Code Editing and Execution: Eclipse Coding Process: Read in text file remove punctuations and do a word count parse the passage remove stop words run porter stemmer to return each word to its most basic form find most used words in the passage organize a possible summary of the passage
Product/What’s accomplished The program is going to read in a text file (in this case, a passage that they want the program to analyze). Then the program is going to dissect the passage and basically print out some useful information about the passage. For instance, the program is going to print out the total words, possible summary about the passage, and etc. I basically accomplished everything I listed in the proposal, but the quality of the summary is not nearly as close as I wanted it to be.
Conclusion/Future Work Learn new coding techniques that can be applied in the future HashMap Usage Future Work 01: This program can be seen as the most basic form of the product. In the future, I may go back, modify and improve its functionalities in order to produce a more quality/well-constructed summary of an article. Future Work 02: The techniques that I used in this program can also be applied to other text mining related research.