2016 OD Network Annual Conference October 7-10, 2016 Hyatt Regency Atlanta Atlanta, Georgia Attendance Justification Toolkit
2016 OD Network Annual Conference This toolkit provides key information and tips to help emphasize the benefits and justify the expense of attending the 2016 OD Network Annual Conference. Use this kit to plan a discussion with your employer in order to secure his or her commitment for you to join us in Atlanta. The 2016 OD Network Annual Conference will be held October 8 -10, 2016 in Atlanta, Georgia. Pre-conference sessions for deeper learning are offered October 7th. After three full days, you will come away with actionable insights about the latest developments and innovations in OD and an experience that will have short- and long-term benefits for your organization.
2016’s Premier OD Education Event 3 Immersive tracks that will appeal to professionals at all levels 4 Powerful keynote sessions 9 Pre-conference workshops for in-depth learning 11 Hours dedicated to networking, sharing experiences and making meaningful connections 38 Concurrent sessions providing actionable insights and the latest OD developments and innovations 400+ Attendees from public, private, federal and not-for-profit sectors making and continuing impact around the globe
This Year’s Conference Features Three Tracks:
Attendees from Previous OD Network Conferences Say… “My life has changed as a result of this conference. I feel like I have access to a wealth of information, tools, and resources now through OD Network, and I feel part of an extraordinary community. It has been amazing seeing and hearing what people are doing around the world through OD, and I am inspired.” “It was one of the best conferences I have attended in my 20+ year career!”
Register Now for Early Bird Registration Savings Early bird registration provides attendees with an average of $200 on the conference and pre-conference Early bird registration ends Wednesday, Sept. 7 To register, please visit the 2016 OD Network annual conference website: www.odnetwork.org/conferenceregistration
Download Your Justification Letter Please click here to download a 2016 OD Network Annual Conference justification letter template.
Talking Points: Why Attend the 2016 OD Network Annual Conference Talking Points: Why Attend the 2016 OD Network Annual Conference? (1 of 2) The OD Network Annual Conference is an event where you will learn. A relaxed yet effective educational atmosphere, OD Network 2016 is jam-packed with informative sessions. This three-day event is above all else an incredible opportunity to gain a deeper understanding of techniques that are essential to any professional hoping to excel in the field. The OD Network Annual Conference is an event where you will be inspired. The palpable energy from hundreds of your colleagues will leave you pumped up, excited and ready to leverage the practical learning. Experience first-hand the latest developments in the field and apply them to your projects! This is your chance to expand your horizons professionally.
Talking Points: Why Attend the 2016 OD Network Annual Conference Talking Points: Why Attend the 2016 OD Network Annual Conference? (2 of 2) OD Network Annual Conference is an event that engages you on so many levels. You will have the chance to talk with and make meaningful connections with today’s most brilliant minds in OD. You will walk away informed and eager to share knowledge. OD Network Annual Conference will offer continuing education credits. OD Network is filing for approval for recertification credit hours toward GPHR, HRBP, HRMP, PHR, SPHR and California recertification through the HR Certification Institute. The OD Network will debut of the Global OD Practice Framework™ at the conference. You will be among the first to learn about this new foundational resource which identifies and details the specific competencies required for superior performance as an OD practitioner.
About OD Network The Organization Development Network is an international, professional association whose members are committed to practicing organization development intentionally and rigorously as an applied behavioral science. Guided by clearly-articulated core values, principles of practice, and ethical standards, the OD Network is committed to advancing the theory and practice of organization development by cultivating and serving those who aspire to effective, successful OD practice, and by representing the field of OD by promoting more visibility, credibility, and influence for its members. We offer an integrated portfolio of targeted resources, professional and community development experiences, and networking opportunities for our members, who come from all 50 states of the USA, Canada, Mexico, and around the world.