Commercial Composting
The good old days! Incinerators Mosman Balgowlah
The other good old days! Coastal landfills Council landfill at Mona Vale Beach Landfills at Curl Curl Lagoon, Balmoral Beach, and North Steyne Beach
That’s why we compost! 1997 – 2010 Synthetic fertilisers are petrochemicals by another name, and their long term use is unsustainable Sydney recycles 610k t greenwaste p.a. This results in about 1.5 million m3 of compost products Each m3 of compost used is equivalent to avoiding about 100 days of your cars greenhouse gas emissions
Turning (Scarab)
Testing & QA
So who uses compost?
Parks & Gardens
Grape Growers
Contaminated Soils
Eroded Gullies
Saline Soils