Hands On Yasuichi Kitamura (kita@jp.apan.net) APAN-JP
perfSONAR Perforomance Toolkit
pSPT The CD is your souvenir. has just been released after I burned the CD. The updated CD image is available at http://psps.perfsonar.net/tool kit/
Protocol and Message Service Client Request Data Request Data Metadata <nmwg:message id="msg1" type="SetupDataRequest" xmlns:netutil="http://ggf.org/ns/nmwg/characteristic/utilisation/2.0/" xmlns:nmwg="http://ggf.org/ns/nmwg/base/2.0/" xmlns:nmwgt="http://ggf.org/ns/nmwg/topology/2.0/" xmlns:select="http://ggf.org/ns/nmwg/ops/select/2.0/"> <nmwg:metadata id="tpr5-1"> <netutil:subject xmlns:netutil="http://ggf.org/ns/nmwg/characteristic/utilisation/2.0/" id="test"> <nmwgt:interface xmlns:nmwgt="http://ggf.org/ns/nmwg/topology/2.0/"> <nmwgt:ifAddress type="ipv4"></nmwgt:ifAddress> <nmwgt:direction>in</nmwgt:direction> <nmwgt:hostName>hostname</nmwgt:hostName> <nmwgt:ifName>so-1/1/0.0</nmwgt:ifName> </nmwgt:interface> </netutil:subject> <nmwg:eventType> http://ggf.org/ns/nmwg/characteristic/utilization/2.0 </nmwg:eventType> </nmwg:metadata> <nmwg:data id="data1" metadataIdRef="tpr5-2"/> </nmwg:message> <nmwg:message xmlns:nmwg="http://ggf.org/ns/nmwg/base/2.0/" messageIdRef="msg1" id="message.5619252" type="SetupDataResponse"><nmwg:metadata xmlns:nmwg="http://ggf.org/ns/nmwg/base/2.0/" id="metadata.9571913" metadataIdRef="tpr5-2"> <netutil:subject xmlns:netutil="http://ggf.org/ns/nmwg/characteristic/utilization/2.0/" id="tpr5-s-in-netutil-29"> <nmwgt:interface xmlns:nmwgt="http://ggf.org/ns/nmwg/topology/2.0/"> <nmwgt:ifAddress type="ipv4"></nmwgt:ifAddress> <nmwgt:hostName>hostname</nmwgt:hostName> <nmwgt:ifName>so-1/1/0.0</nmwgt:ifName> <nmwgt:ifDescription>Description</nmwgt:ifDescription> <nmwgt:ifIndex>29</nmwgt:ifIndex> <nmwgt:direction>in</nmwgt:direction> <nmwgt:capacity>10000000000</nmwgt:capacity> </nmwgt:interface> </netutil:subject> <nmwg:eventType>http://ggf.org/ns/nmwg/characteristic/utilization/2.0</nmwg:eventType> <nmwg:eventType>http://ggf.org/ns/nmwg/tools/snmp/2.0</nmwg:eventType> </nmwg:metadata> <nmwg:data metadataIdRef="metadata.9571913" id="data.6546994"> <nmwg:datum timeType="unix" value="1.9313008150e+07" valueUnits="Bps" timeValue="1222307360"/> <nmwg:datum timeType="unix" value="1.9043827930e+07" valueUnits="Bps" timeValue="1222307380"/> <nmwg:datum timeType="unix" value="1.7634486450e+07" valueUnits="Bps" timeValue="1222307400"/> <nmwg:datum timeType="unix" value="1.6736562060e+07" valueUnits="Bps" timeValue="1222307420"/> </nmwg:data></nmwg:message> Metadata Data Data 2008/9/26 第3回インターネットアーキテクチャ研究会 1
pSPT pSPT can skip the configuration. You can set up the network monitoring facility at once. perfSONAR + Measurement Tools + web server
pSPT 2 style distributions are available. NetInstall Live CD
For this class, Confirm which partition is free. At your place, Prepare the free partition first with the format “ext3”. More than 10GB partition is preferable but less than 10GB one is acceptable. Ubuntu Linux can make the partion with “gparted”.
Set the Live CD at the optical disk drive. Restart your computer. If you see “Boot:”, push “return” key.
Configure your account. If you see “...login:”, type “root”. If you see “Password:”, type “return” key.
Password setup instruction Press “return” at “current password”. Set your password at “new password” and “confirmation new password”. Don’t forget your password, at least, during this class.
Start the configuration from the console. What you have to do is... Configure Storage volume Confirm network setup Restart process is required if you change the configuration of “storage” and “network”.
What you may do is... Set up other accounts except “root” MTU size setup
MTU size setup instruction Move to /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts Add the line. MTU=9000 sudo /etc/init.d/network restart is for updating the network parameters.
Timezone setup sudo tzselect At this moment, set up the timezone as Thailand. Asia > Thailand TZ=‘Asia/Bangkok’; export TZ type at the command line. make the file “.profile” and input the line and do “logout” and “login”.
Access the pSPT machine with using the web browser. https://[IP address]/toolkit In this class, IP addresses are mapped with the machine names.
Setup the NTP configuration. In this class, this configuration is skipped. The time synchronization is used at “Scheduled Tests” and “OWAMP”. This setup must not be skipped.
Congratulation! You can play some.
Try the reverse “traceroute”. Try the reverse “ping”.
One more Step
Configure the scheduled (automatic) monitoring process Throughput test with using BWCTL (iperf) Oneway Delay (OWAMP) Bulk Ping (pingER)
For your information BWCTL:nms1.jp.apan.net OWAMP : nms4.jp.apan.net PingER : nms4.jp.apan.net
Gift here!
Cacti Cacti is the SNMP based monitoring tool with the abstract graphers. This pSPT machine is already monitored by Cacti by itself. The monitoring setup for some network devices are available.
Example Click “Cacti SNMP Monitoring”. Click “Create devices”. Click “Add” at the right hand most side of the title bar.
Set up the device preferences. Host name, Host template, SNMP Version, SNMP Community
Click “Create Graphs for this Host”. Available network interfaces will be listed. Choose the interfaces you want to track and choose a graph type.
Click “Graph Trees” in the left side bar. Click “Default Tree”. Click “Add”. Choose “Host” at the Tree Item Type of the Tree Items section. Choose the target of the Host of the Tree Items Values. Don’t for clicking “save”.
Click the “graphs” tab. Click the target in the side bar.