Desire in Language: A Semiotic Approach to Literature and Art. "The Ethics of linguistics": 23-35 "The Bounded text": 36-63 "Word, dialogue and novel": 64-91 "How does one speak to literature?": 92-123 "From one identity to an other": 124-47 "The Father, love and banishment": 148-58 "The Novel as polylogue": 159-209 "Giotto's joy": 210-36 "Motherhood according to Giovanni Bellini": 237 "Place names": 271-94
Revolution and Poetic Language Kristeva's thesis for her Doctorat d'Etat Intertextuality: To the two processes Freud identified as being at work in the unconscious, displacement and condensation, Kristeva added a third process, "the passage from one sign system to another." The thetic phase of language is altered, involving the destruction of an old system and the forming of a new one. The new system may use the same or different signifying materials, as in the "carnivalesque" as described by Bakhtin. The novel particularly exhibited the potential for embodying a "redistribution" of several different sign systems. "Intertextuality," then, is a specific type of coextension in which a variety of diverse meanings overlap; it refers to the transposition of one or more sign systems into another or a "field" of transpositions of many signifying systems. The novel provides a particularly good space for this phenomenon to occur.
Kristeva Glossary semiotic - the science of signs (that which creates the need for symbolic),cyclical through time, pre-Oedipal, and creates unrepressed writing. Exists in children before language acquisition and has significance. symbolic - the domain of position and judgment, chronologically follows semiotic (post-Oedipal), is the establishment of a sign system. semanalysis - word coined by Kristeva to differentiate her type of linguistic analysis which is a dissolving of the sign through critical analysis that stresses the heterogeneity of language. intertextuality - used to designate the transposition of one or more systems of signs on to another which is accompanied by a new enunciative and denotative position. jouissance - total joy or ecstacy achieved through the working of the signifier implying the presence of meaning. other - what exists as opposite of, or excluded by, something else. Other - a hypothetical space or place which is that of the pure signifier, rather than a physical entity. chora - a Platonic term for a matrix-like space that is nourishing, unnameable, and prior to the individual. Chora becomes the focus of the semiotic as the 'pre-symbolic.'
Psychoanalysis -- A Counter-depressant
Julia Kristeva (b. Bulgaria, 1941-): psychoanalyst, linguist, semiotician, novelist, and rhetorician 1965 - emigrated to Paris for doctoral studies under Roland Barthes. Joined 'Tel Quel group eventually marrying its head, Philippe Sollers. 1968 - involved in leftist French politics, publishing in Tel Quel. 1970 - part of Tel Quel's editorial board, attended Lacan’s seminars. 1973 - state doctorate in Paris, thesis later published as Revolution in Poetic Language (1984). 1974 - University of Paris VII, chair of linguistics and visiting appointment at Columbia University. 1979 - begin psychoanalytic career. 1990 - novel, Les Samourais, published.