timorous- adjective Def.- showing nervousness or fear Synonym- apprehensive, hesitant, meek, shy, timid Antonym- bold, brazen, forthcoming
incarcerated- verb Def. – imprisoned or confined Synonym- detain, jail, cage, constrain, hold, impound, lock up Antonym-free, let go, release
conservatory- noun Def.- a school for instruction in the fine arts (correct one for use in novel) Synonym- music school, drama school Definition can also mean a greenhouse
frugal-adjective Def.- sparing or economical with regard to money or food Synonym- thrifty, careful, cautious, prudent, sparing, Antonym- generous, lavish, wasteful
unimpeded- adjective Def.- not obstructed to stopped Synonym- unrestricted, unhindered, unblocked, unhampered, free, clear, hold up, interfere Antonym- facilitate, advance, aid, assist, help , support
sallied- verb Def.- to set out from a place Synonym- cruise, glide, hurry, move, pass, sail, skim, sweep
monotonous- adjective Def.- dull repetition of something; tedious Synonym- boring, dull, uninteresting, unexciting, tiresome, unvaried Antonym- change, color, excitement, liveliness
unselfconsciously- adverb Def.- authentically; done without pretending; free and easy; without restraint Synonym- cut loose, expansive, footloose, frank, informal, liberated, natural Antonym- careful, inhibited, modest, shy
copious- adjective Def.- abundant in supply or quantity Synonym- plentiful, ample, full, extensive, generous, lavish
subtleties- noun Def.- small, delicate distinctions Synonym- fineness, niceness, keenness, sharpness, wisdom, cleverness