EMODnet Chemistry initiative Alessandra Giorgetti – OGS EMODnet Chemistry 3 kick-off meeting, Trieste, 17-19 May 2017 1
EMODnet initiative 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 Phase 1 – limited sea basins Phase 2 - low resolution Phase 3 - multi-resolution EMODnet is the long-term initiative by EU DG MARE to open marine data, in particular for generating and providing generic European marine data products for different domains: bathymetry, geology, biology, chemistry, physics, seabed habitats, coastal mapping, and human activities EMODnet Chemistry 3 kick-off meeting, 17-19 May 2017 2
Approach Tight connection with MSFD to provide relevant information for descriptors and indicators Interactions with EEA, RSC, JRC, ICES, MSFD-EMODnet coordination group to perform an EU-wide assessment of the parameters identified as indicators of eutrophication and pollution for the Marine Strategy Framework Directive EMODnet Chemistry 3 kick-off meeting, 17-19 May 2017 3
MSFD GES Descriptors and EMODnet 1. Biodiversity 2. Non-indigenous species 3. Commercially exploited fish and shellfish 4. Food web integrity 5. Eutrophication 6. Sea-floor integrity 7. Hydrographical conditions 8. Contamination 9. Contaminants in seafood for human consumption 10. Marine litter 11. Energy, including underwater noise EMODnet Chemistry 3 kick-off meeting, 17-19 May 2017 4
EMODnet Chemistry (2017-21) Involves 45 institutes from 27 countries and 3 international organisations (ICES, Black Sea Commission, UNEP/MAP) Covers all European waters Aims to collect, standardize, check the quality of data developing new services to share and visualize information and products EMODnet Chemistry 3 kick-off meeting, 17-19 May 2017 5
EU – MAST EU – MASTII EU-FP5 EU-FP6 EU-FP7 EU-HORIZON 2020 Adopting and adapting SeaDataNet infrastructure and standards EU – MAST EU – MASTII EU-FP5 EU-FP6 EU-FP7 EU-HORIZON 2020 90s EDMED,MedAtlas,Euronodim, EDIOS 2002-2005 Sea-Search 2006-2011 SeaDataNet 2011-2015 SeaDataNet II 2016-2020 SeaDataCloud A pan-European infrastructure has been set up and is operated for managing marine and ocean data in a cooperation of National Oceanographic Data Centres (NODCs) and oceanographic data focal points from 35 countries bordering European seas
SeaDataNet adopted by many initiatives expanding the number of nodes SDC Kick-off m eting, Riga, Nov. 30 – Dec. 1, 2 Total collection GEOSS portal IODE ODP portal Aggregated collection Data discovery and access Black Sea portal Caspian portal Geo-Seas portal Regional subsets Thematic portals > 100 data centres Bathymetry NODCs; HOs; GEOs; BIOs; ICES; PANGAEA Physics Chemistry ≈ 600 European data originators CDI Data Discovery and Access service Geology Biology
EMODnet Chemistry Collects data on: In 3 matrices: - water column; - biota; - sediment. Provides concentration maps of: Nutrients (NO3, PO4, SiO4, NOx, NH4, Total Nitrogen, Total Phosphorus) Chlorophyll Oxygen produced, for trend detection, with 10-year moving window from 1960 to 2014, by season and standard levels Provides time series plots of long time series of measured data EMODnet Chemistry 3 kick-off meeting, 17-19 May 2017 8
Concentration maps at surface in spring http://ec.oceanbrowser.net/emodnet-combined/ EMODnet Chemistry 3 kick-off meeting, 17-19 May 2017 9
Concentration maps at several depths EMODnet Chemistry 3 kick-off meeting, 17-19 May 2017 10
Water body nitrate in the deepest layer for all EU seas: 1996 - 2005 mean EMODnet Chemistry 3 kick-off meeting, 17-19 May 2017 11
Station maps 2005-2010 EMODnet Chemistry 3 kick-off meeting, 17-19 May 2017 12
Requirements for the new contract Continue gathering and harmonizing data sets for discovery and access Generation of regional data products. The chemicals chosen must reflect importance to the MSFD. Measurements of concentration of marine litter (collected on beaches, in fishermen's nets, or in specific surveys). This shall include macro-objects (nets, bottles etc.) as well as fragments and microparticles in water column, sediments and beaches. Digital layers of plastic or litter must be available after the first year. EMODnet Chemistry 3 kick-off meeting, 17-19 May 2017 13
Quality assessment for data & products Questionnaire based on ISO/IEC 17025:2005 Data are checked, flagged and completed with metadata by National Collators + Update the official copy of data data extraction Regional Regional data collections Feedback loop guarantees data quality upgrade Report errors to the data originators - Data Aggregation - Parameter Homogenization - Unit Conversion (to «umol/l») - Regional Quality Check - Global Analysis Regional buffers Regional a buffers QC data collections EMODnet Chemistry 3 kick-off meeting, 17-19 May 2017 14
Approach for Marine Litter The approach tuned with MSFD GES TSG on Marine Litter. EMODnet Chemistry 3 kick-off meeting, 17-19 May 2017 15
Approach for Marine Litter The approach tuned with MSFD GES TSG on Marine Litter. EMODnet Chemistry 3 kick-off meeting, 17-19 May 2017 16