Date: Student Name: Islamic Women "If memory serves me correctly, I was wearing a little white tank top and a short black skirt. I had been raised Orthodox Muslim, so I had never before worn such revealing clothing while in my father's presence. When we finally arrived, the chauffer escorted my younger sister, Laila, and me up to my father's suite. As usual, he was hiding behind the door waiting to scare us. We exchanged many hugs and kisses as we could possibly give in one day. My father took a good look at us. Then he sat me down on his lap and said something that I will never forget. He looked me straight in the eyes and said, "Hana, everything that Allah made valuable in the world is covered and hard to get to. Where do you find diamonds? Deep down in the ground covered and protected. Where do you find pearls? Deep down at the bottom of the ocean covered up and protected in a beautiful shell. Where do you find gold? Way down in the mine, covered over with layers and layers of rock. You've got to work hard to get to them. "He looked at me with serious eyes. "Your body is sacred. You're far more precious than diamonds and pearls, and you should be covered too.” Perhaps nothing has been so visible or so open to misinterpretation as what Muslim women wear. In western eyes, burkas, veils and hijabs -- or head coverings -- can symbolize oppression. But for many Muslim women, these garments represent an important religious and moral choice. What the Koran talks about is the principle of modesty. That men and women should behave and dress in a modest way. Meaning by modesty, meaning don't act in an exhibitionist way. A hijab or covering is not just covering your head, it's an attitude. You're demanding, by covering, that men treat you as an intelligent being and not just an object that has hair and perfume and make up. And definitely if it had anything at all to do with, you know, subjugating myself to men, definitely I would not do it. Muslim women are permitted to participate in all walks of life as long as their modesty is not affected. Muslim women have the right to be educated, work outside the home, and contribute to society. Because of the influence of mothers on their children, it becomes even more important that women be educated. Can you name the shawl Islamic women wear around their head and shoulders? What reason did Hana’s father give her for wearing this shawl? Why do Islamic women wear this shawl? Compare how Islamic women dress to the dress code for women in your own society/religion. Do Islamic women have the right to education? Identify one new aspect of Islamic women that you learnt about today. Source: "More Than A Hero: Muhammad Ali's Life Lessons Through His Daughter's Eyes."
Date: Student Name: Islamic Men The man is the leader of his household. He is ultimately responsible for important decisions that may need to be made in the family, such as where the family will live, where the children will attend school and so on. This does not of course mean that he cannot consult with and seek the advice of his wife and children, but that if there is any disagreement as to the best course of action, he will have the final say. It is normal that the man will delegate some of the decision making that involves the day-to-day running of the household to other members of his family. Therefore, the husband will often leave much of the decision making with regard to choosing the food, household items and clothing, up to the wife. The man's family accepts the decision because according to Islamic Law he has that authority over his household. Having this responsibility also means that the man should not abuse his position and realise that he will be answerable to Allah on the Day of Judgement as to the decisions he has made. In addition to the man's role as leader of the household, Allah has decreed that he is to protect and provide for the women. Thus, men are responsible for the household income and for ensuring that no harm comes to his family. The man is also expected to go the mosque for five times daily prayer, as well as congregational prayer on Friday. He should involve himself in spreading the message of Islam and provide his wife and children with opportunities to educate themselves about their religion and worldly matters. Modesty in dress is enjoined not just upon women, but also men for similar reasons. Men must cover themselves from their navel to their knees. It is preferable for them to also wear clothing that will cover their shoulders. Shorts that fall above the knee are not permitted. It is also desirable that they should cover their head (with a small cap or turban). Among one of the most important aspects of a man's appearance is his beard. The beard is one of the most outward expressions of a Muslim male and to not have one goes against the practices and advice of Prophet Muhammad. The beard should be kept tidy and clean and the moustache should be trimmed so that it doesn't go over the lips. 1) What is the role of the man in an Islamic household? 2) What has Allah said about the role of men within the household? 3) Where does an Islamic man go to pray? 4) How many times must he pray a day? 5) Compare the role of men within Islam to the role of men in your own society/religion. Are there differences or similarities? 6) Describe the appearance of an Islamic man. Source: Muslim Men