ISEKI_Food-4: Towards the innovation of the Food Chain through the modernisation of Food Studies (IFOOD4) Objectives - Modernisation and upgrading the education and training of Food studies Implementation of the labour market role of the third level of education in promoting the employability and entrepreneurship of the graduated FS&T and Food professional Lecturing qualification of university teaching staff 86 EU partner from 27 eligible countries 3 no EU partners + 50 associated partners from all over the world
1 – Presentation of Project ISEKI_Food-4 Meetings - 1st Overall Meeting – May 9th-10th-11st, 2012 was held in Porto – PORTUGAL at Universidade Católica Portuguesa - Escola Superior de Biotecnologia
2 - ……. 2nd Overall Meeting – May 15th-16th-17th, 2013 was held in Kaunas – LITHUANIA at Kaunas University of Technology - Department of Food Technology IFOOD4 Group picture
3 - ……. 2nd Overall Meeting – May 15th-16th-17th, 2013 Workshop on 16th May, “Knowledge and Technology Transfer in the Food Area” - Round Table,
4 - 3rd Overall Meeting – May 20th-21st-22nd-23rd, 2014 was held in Athens – GREECE at National Technical University of Athens (NTUA, 1st part) and Hotel President (HP, 2nd part)
5 - Pilot Training School for Food studies teachers - Final Assessment – May 19th-20th, 2014 was held in Athens – GREECE at National Technical University of Athens (NTUA) Introduction to teaching and learning strategies applied to food studies The training course was carried out at distance with the support of e-learning classes and webinars that will be delivered by experts according to a specific sequence of topics and timing. The school was closed by an onsite final assessment session that was held in Athens on 19-20 May 2014 (same week of the 3rd ISEKI_Food conference).
5 - 3rd Overall Meeting – May 20th-21st-22nd-23rd, 2014 held in Athens – GREECE at National Technical University of Athens (NTUA, 1st part) and Hotel President (HP, 2nd part) WORKSHOP “State of Research in Europe in the Field of Food Science and Technology: presentation of PhD student research activities” This workshop included some presentations given by eminent scientists on main research issues and the oral contributions of PhD students willing to present the results of their studies in an international context. The oral presentations of the PhD students was selected from the abstracts that will be submitted online according to the instruction reported under the section “abstract submission”.
6 - 3rd International CONFERENCE – May 20th-21st-22nd-23rd, 2014 was held in Athens – GREECE at Hotel President Poster in my Pocket We are delighted to announce that with the support of ELSEVIER we can offer poster presenters the option of extra exposure of their posters via the new Poster in my Pocket app!
7 - Sponsors PURATOS: n. 1 poster award of EUR 500. The 12 poster awards have been granted to following awardees who presented their posters at the ISEKI_Food Conference and pre-Conference Workshops: PURATOS: n. 1 poster award of EUR 500. ELSEVIER: n. 3 poster awards of EUR 500/poster. VIORYL: n. 1 poster award of EUR 500. GALLINA BLANCA STAR: n. 1 poster award of EUR 500. KG FOODS: n. 1 poster award of EUR 350. ASSOCIATION OF GREEK CHEMISTS: n. 2 poster awards of EUR 400/poster. IFA Awards
8 - 3rd Overall Meeting – May 20th-21st-22nd-23rd, 2014 was held in Athens – GREECE at National Technical University of Athens (NTUA, 1st part) and Hotel President (HP, 2nd part)
Main products of the past ISEKI_Food projects…to today Innovation in teaching Improvement of the HE and quality of Food Studies Bridging education-reserach-industry International Journal of Food Studies 4° ISEKI_Food conference (6-8 July 2016, Vienna –AT)
Main outcomes of the ISEKI_Food 4 project Improvement of the HE and quality of Food Studies Innovation in teaching Serious game on fish canning Pilot Training school for teachers Bridging education-reserach-industry New skills for new jobs Virtual platform for PhD Toolbox
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