Prof. Jintae Kim, Ph.D. Alliance Theological Seminary Nov 2, 2003 LIFE OF A.B. SIMPSON Prof. Jintae Kim, Ph.D. Alliance Theological Seminary Nov 2, 2003
I. Context (1783-1914) 1) Regionalism: Economic (Farm vs. Factory) & Social 2) Revivalism Holiness movement: Wesley (1703-91); C. Finney (1792-1875); Turrey (1856-1928); D. L. Moody (1837-99) Healing movement: A. Murray; C. Cullis (1833-92); W. Boardman (1810-86) First Great Awakening (1726-70): J. Edwards; G. Whitefield Second Great Awakening (1795-1835): A.B.S. (1816); Missionary Societies. 3) Millennialism America as the almost promised land New Jerusalem 4) The Westward movement (Gold Rush)
II. Connection with Mission from His Birth 1843 Albert Simpson is born as 4’th son of James and Jane; Baptized and dedicated to missionary service by Rev. John Geddie on his way to South Sea Islands as Canada’s 1’st missionary.
III. 1865 Knox Church, Hamilton Wedding Ceremony, Ordination Ceremony, and Installation Service Pastor & Preacher
1. Two Hidden Liabilities 1) Poor Health. 2) Deep Depression from dogged sense of inadequacy – Issue of sanctification (Was he perfectionist?)
Simpson adopted the idea of Alliance later when he established 2. Important Connection Fellowship with Evangelical Alliance (1846): non-denominational worldwide evangelical fellowship. Simpson adopted the idea of Alliance later when he established the two Alliances (1887).
IV. 1873 Chestnut St. Presb. Louiseville (3 Events) 1874 His sanctification experience 1875 City evangelism for unchurched poor: Non-denominational/sectarian, but evangelistic/catholic 1877 Dream – Chinese? Dedicate to the mission to China Rejection by Margaret Idea of a missionary magazine
1. 1874 His sanctification experience Boardman’s “Higher Christian Life” & Surrender to Christ 2 Poles of Emphasis: Holiness Mission
+ Evangelist 1875 Invited Whittle/Bliss Evangelistic Team to City Evangelism for unchurched poor.
2. Departure from Louisville 1878 Building and Dedication of the new church building: no salary, free tabernacle vs. deluxe.
+ Mission magazine editor V. 1879 13’th St. Presb., New York + Mission magazine editor Feb, 1880 1’st issue of “Gospel in all Lands” (with $555 church’s Christmas gift money)
1. Conflicts and Resignation Pastoral: City evangelism for unchurched poor, esp. Italian immigrants & ensuing conflict with his church. 2) Doctrinal: The issue of Infant Baptism and his rebaptism by a Baptist minister His resignation
2. August, 1881 His experience of Divine Healing (Old Orchard) Climbing Mt. Kearsarge 3000’ next day. 3 year old Margaret’s illness and healing.
VI. 1881 Gospel Tabernacle, New York Only 7 other members (11/20/1881)
1. Divine Pattern of the New Testament Church
2. Emphasis on Free 1) Classless church 2) Voluntary contribution (free membership) 3) Independent & non-denominational 4) Simple doctrinal statement – no barrier. 5) Target the unchurched middle classes 6) Purpose-oriented: Evangelism Foreign mission.
3. Activities 1) Oct Conventions 2) Friday meetings (Holiness and Healing) Summer Tent meetings (Evangelistic outreach) 3) Berachach Healing Home (1883) 4) 2 Alliances 5) Mission magazine: “The Word, the Work, and the World” 6) Missionary Training Institute (1882): The precursor of Nyack College and Alliance Theological Seminary.