The Left and Right Brain How Does This Affect Problem Solving
The Human Brain The human brain is dived into 2 hemispheres – the right brain and left brain Each half functions differently Left Brain sequential, analytical, and linear Function of language and all language activities Right Brain Creative, imaginative, emotional, and intuitive Tends to get forgotten in everyday life
The Human Brain The two brain hemispheres work together, like teammates, supporting each other and producing results that neither one could attain on its own When the creative potential of the right side is combined with the linear thinking of the left, the power of an individual’s creativity can increase dramatically
Interesting Brain Tricks Go to the following link to try some interesting brain tricks html
Visualizing Visualizing: Visualizing different scenarios in your mind can help you deal with new ideas or concepts This technique is often used by athletes to enhance their performance and confidence levels
Word Clustering CAR The free association of ideas and words Better Job travel Fun Gas Freedom Costs License Own car Insurance Family Car CAR The free association of ideas and words Stimulates the right brain into action Sports Model Convertible \ Cost
Word Clustering Class Activity Write a word or phrase in the centre of the page and circle it Write other words/phrases on the page as they come to mind while you are considering the original word Circle each new word/phrase Draw a line between circles you feel are connected, then look for patterns when completed that enhance the first idea Think: Each students will do a word cluster based on the phrase – “My ideal job would …” Pair: Students will exchange word clusters with a partner. Discuss the ideas generated. Any Similarities? Any Differences?
Mind Mapping Elementary School Education College & University \ Secondary School Library Spec. Industry training Adult Ed English/French A visual way of organizing and relating ideas using pictures and/or words Geography Services Provided Needs Technology French Options Family Studies Business Math Music English Art History Computers Phys. Ed
Mind Mapping Class Activity Write a word or picture in the centre of the page and circle it Work your way out from the centre of the page as you think of sub-themes and related items Connect sub-themes to the central idea with lines Draw lines to connect ideas as they materialize around sub-themes Students will divide into groups of 3 or 4 Start with the word “Travel” Draw circles around that contain different segments of the industry Think of areas in the industry that you feel are well serviced, then think of areas that are not well serviced