Reserved Net Conference New Features in Microsoft Office® Live Meeting 2007
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Reserved Net Conference Live Meeting 2007 Enhancements More Interactive Meetings: Enhanced access Improved console Raised hand option Improved annotation tools Shared notes pane Enhancements for Training and Events: Download handouts Enhanced Multi-media Presentations: WebCam video integration Embedded media supported Enhanced Security: Microsoft® ForefrontTM Technologies SSL encrypted
More Interactive Meetings: Improved Access and Console Enhanced Access: Support for Solaris and Mac OS Improved experience for customers unable to download software Improved Console: Expanded content view area Floating windows Memory of preferred window placement
More Interactive Meeting Options: Raised Hand Participant clicks to raise hand Hand icon appears in the presenter’s Q & A Manager
More Interactive Meeting Options: Improved Annotation Tools Pointer Draw Freehand Highlighter Select Annotations Type Text Color Selector Clear Annotations Stamps
More Interactive Meeting Options: Shared Notes Pane An effective way for notes to be created during an event – available to all participants Basic formatting available in the Shared Notes pane Saved locally by each participant of the meeting
Enhancements for Training and Events: Download Hand-outs Presenters choose to provide editable material for participants to download Hand-outs are presented in the same format as they were for the presenter
Enhanced Multi-Media Presentations: WebCam Video Integration View video display of participants alongside the presentation
Enhanced Multi-Media Presentations: Embedded Media Supported Movie clips: Windows Media® (.wmv) Advanced streaming format (.asf) Audio/Video Interleave (.avi) Moving Picture Experts group (.mpg, .mpeg, .m1v) Flash animations: Adobe Flash format (.swf) 3-D model: Initial Graphics Exchange Standard (.igs) Audio files: Windows Media audio (.swa) Advanced Streaming format (.asf) Audio for Microsoft® Windows® (.wav) Musical Instrument Digital Interface (.mid, .midi) Macintosh AIFF Resource (.aif, .aiff) MP3- MPEG Audio Layer (.mp2, .mpv2, .mp3) UNIX Audio (au) Sound (.snd) Audio Interchange File (.aif, .aiff,.aife)
Enhanced Security Microsoft® ForefrontTM Technologies: SSL encrypted: Scans meeting documents Scans handouts Scans recording SSL encrypted: Industry standard
Thank You For more information, contact your Conferencing Representative or call Reservations: 1-800-475-5000