DB Primary Parent Workshop Learning and growing together through prayer, belief and love.
What is DB Primary? DB Primary is a safe, online learning platform through which children can explore a range of learning resources and share information. It is an area for school pupils to collaborate, communicate and engage in learning.
What are the benefits? St Anselm’s believe the learning experience of its pupils can be further developed through the rich educational content available on DB Primary. DB Primary will enable pupils to: Access learning materials outside lesson time and from any location with Wi-Fi access Store work and notes online for use in homework and revision Work at their own pace and with a wider choice of learning styles Improve their ICT skills and online management Participate in live discussions and forums with other students and teachers Elicit benefits to parents also; Support children with learning which takes place outside school Access their child's personal home page to keep track of their work and the curriculum Engage with wider school issues through online communication tools Become active partners with the school
How to log in to DB Primary Ask parents to log on to laptops to explore DB Primary Tell parents there are three pupil themes- starter, starter+ and improver –suitable for each child’s learning stage.
The pupil homepage: key features Things to do area Pupils will be able to see assigned tasks when they log in.
The pupil homepage: key features Customising their page Children can choose from a selection of pre-set backgrounds and upload or draw their own profile picture.
The pupil homepage: key features My work area Pupils can upload their own files or create files using DB Primary tools. Files can be shared with the rest of the class once they have been moderated by the class teacher.
The pupil homepage: key features My Work area In the My Work area pupils can: use the painting tool to draw a picture. Record a video from an attached webcam. Take a photo from an attached camera. Record their voice. These tools let every pupil contribute to the platform, whatever their age or ability.
The pupil homepage: key features Blog Each pupil has their own blog which can be updated with words, pictures, sounds and video. Teachers can set tasks to encourage pupils to update their blog.
Areas of learning: The communities What are communities used for? A community on DB Primary is where pupils can learn, collaborate and share information. Class communities have been created for pupils to interact and share.
Learning Library Are you going to explain and allow parents to explore the content of the Learning Library? - How pupils can hand in/submit work?
E-Safety Viewed and moderated by teachers whistle
Pupil User Agreement I promise to not tell anyone my password and keep it to myself. I will login to the platform using my own username and password ONLY. I promise to be kind to others and will use appropriate language throughout the platform. I promise I will be responsible for everything that I write and add to the platform. I promise I will only upload and write what I want everyone else to see. I promise to tell my teacher or parents if someone is being unkind to me on the platform. I understand that everything I do on the platform can be seen by my teacher. I promise that if I see anything that upsets me I will report it to an adult. I understand that access to the platform is a privilege and I must meet my responsibilities to be allowed to log-in. Inform parents of the E-Saftey workshop on the 6th February