The Great Reversal 1 Samuel 2:1-10
1 Samuel 2:1-10 1 Hannah prayed: You make me strong and happy, Lord. You rescued me. Now I can be glad and laugh at my enemies. 2 No other god[a] is like you. We’re safer with you than on a high mountain.[b] 3 I can tell those proud people, “Stop your boasting! Nothing is hidden from the Lord, and he judges what we do.”
1 Samuel 2:1-10 4 Our Lord, you break the bows of warriors, but you give strength to everyone who stumbles. 5 People who once had plenty to eat must now hire themselves out for only a piece of bread. But you give the hungry more than enough to eat. A woman did not have a child, and you gave her seven, but a woman who had many was left with none.
1 Samuel 2:1-10 6 You take away life, and you give life. You send people down to the world of the dead and bring them back again. 7 Our Lord, you are the one who makes us rich or poor. You put some in high positions and bring disgrace on others. 8 You lift the poor and homeless out of the garbage dump and give them places of honor in royal palaces.
1 Samuel 2:1-10 You set the world on foundations, and they belong to you. 9 You protect your loyal people, but everyone who is evil will die in darkness. We cannot win a victory by our own strength. 10 Our Lord, those who attack you will be broken in pieces when you fight back with thunder from heaven. You will judge the whole earth and give power and strength to your chosen king.
Hannah’s Personal Reversal There is a focus on her specific situation God exalts the humble and humbles the exalted God will do something about our pain
Hannah’s people’s Reversal
? King John King Kevin Queen Julia Duke of Abbott King Malcom King Tony King Kevin Queen Julia (with Green knights) ?
Hannah’s people’s Reversal Israel was a complete mess God lifts up Samuel and lowers Eli Looks ahead to David’s deliverance
Hannah’s prophetic Reversal Hannah foreshadows Mary
Luke 1:46-55 46 Mary said: With all my heart I praise the Lord, 47 and I am glad because of God my Savior. 48 He cares for me, his humble servant. From now on, all people will say God has blessed me.
Luke 1:46-55 49 God All-Powerful has done great things for me, and his name is holy. 50 He always shows mercy to everyone who worships him. 51 The Lord has used his powerful arm to scatter those who are proud. 52 He drags strong rulers from their thrones and puts humble people in places of power.
Luke 1:46-55 53 God gives the hungry good things to eat, and sends the rich away with nothing. 54 He helps his servant Israel and is always merciful to his people. 55 The Lord made this promise to our ancestors, to Abraham and his family forever!
Hannah’s prophetic Reversal Hannah foreshadows Mary Hannah’s song alludes to the resurrection You can join the great reversal by trusting Jesus as saviour, and listening to him as king
Living In light of Opposite Day Trust in and follow Jesus We will be vindicated, others must be warned Grief is not the end
- William Cullen Bryant “Deem not the just by heaven forgot! Though life its common gifts deny, -Though with a crushed and bleeding heart, and Spurned of man, he goes to die. For God has marked each sorrowing day, and numbered ever bitter tear, And Heaven’s long years of bliss shall pay, for all his children suffer here.” - William Cullen Bryant