Are Arguments Against the Water Slide All Wet? Jamie Franklin, Cory Merritt, Matt Prichard
The Situation
The Situation…
In the Brochure
Your Turn We don’t care how you do it….But form groups and respond to the issues laid out: Is a slide recreation? How can we combat it becoming an attractive nuisance and crowding? How can we invest in the private sector through this project? Think outside the box. How would you advertise these? Should public property be used for private enterprise?
Our Thoughts… Recreation by definition is “the refreshment of one’s mind or body after work through activity that amuses or stimulates; play.” Sell two week passes to make sure its not crowded, if Universal Studios can do it, so can we. Not to mention our proximity to a REAL amusement park . Lets use the private sector to get this stuff done!!! The waterslide is being constructed and later operated by Waterslides for Life Corporation as it is. Plus we need extra revenue because some people are too busy writing brochures to come and volunteer….taxes can only carry a park so far.