Personal, Social and Career Development
Compulsory subject form year 3 to year 11 Strands of learning: Personal Identity and Relationships Healthy Lifestyle and Social Responsibility Main learning Areas: Self Digital Citizenship Sexuality and Relationships Education Drug Education Career Education
Personal Self (self esteem, self expression ecc) Understanding and communicating one’s emotions Understand and deal with different stressful situations Understand risk and responsibility of sharing online material Reflect on one’s values and how they influence one’s decision making Reflect on how one’s personal values influence one’s sexual choices Reflect and understand one’s prejudice and stereotypical attitudes Reflect and verbalize one’s attitudes and beliefs about substance abuse Personal
Social Responsibility of protect others’ privacy on line Reflect and identify caring (positive) and non- caring (abusive) relationships Recognize and challenge the cultural expected behavior of different genders in relationships Explore issues of responsibilities in sexual relations Understand different sexual orientations Understanding the different stages in dating relationships Understand the importance of adopting the ABC model and the use of different contraception Recognize that legal is not the same as harmless Reflect about consequence and risk associated with misuse of different substances Social
Career Reflect on the value of work Reflect on the different skills and characteristics need for different jobs/careers Reflect and develop the necessary skills of how to express oneself in front of an audience Learn how to write a CV and letter of application Learn how to present oneself during an interview Reflect and learn about work ethics Reflect on one’s future career goals and how to develop a career plan Reflect on the importance of employability skills Career
Circle Format Skills developed Communication Empathy Emotional Literacy Listening Turn taking Self Expression
Experiential learning cycle Skills developed: Openness Reflection Active participation Critical thinking Working with others Problem solving