The Progressive Era
Roots of Progressivism Response to problems created by industrialization, urbanization, and immigration. 1880-1920 Grew out of Populist Movement Response to government corruption of late 19th century.
Definition of Progressivism Reform movement led by white middle class individuals. Make people aware of injustices in society and in government. Use government to correct economic, social and political problems.
Targeted Areas for Progressives Corruption in politics Trusts and monopolies Inequities in society Safety & Labor Conditions City services Women’s suffrage Temperance
Work of Muckrakers Journalists/writers who exposed ills of society Lincoln Steffens: The Shame of the Cities John Spargo The Bitter Cry of the Children Ida Tarbell The History of Standard Oil Upton Sinclair The Jungle Jacob Riis How the Other Half Lives Theodore Dreiser Sister Carrie
How the Other Half Lives: Tenement living conditions
Roosevelt’s Square Deal Control of the corporations Trustbusting: good trusts vs. bad trusts Northern Securities Government rules, not business 1902: coal miner strike in Pennsylvania Elkins Act: control of railroad rebates Consumer protection Meat Inspection Act: 1906 Pure Food and Drug Act : 1906 Conservation of natural resources Newlands Act: irrigation 125 million acres under federal reserve
Theodore Roosevelt General Overview of Progressive Era and Theodore Roosevelt:
Changing Societal Conditions Settlement Houses Jane Addams: Hull House in Chicago Center to help immigrants living in urban areas. Americanization movement Social Gospel: Good Christians help the poor. Fought for shorter work days and end to child labor
Changing Societal Conditions Emphasized elementary education; reduced child labor
Changing Working Conditions Improve safety in workplace environments. Workingmen’s Compensation Acts (state and later national level) Triangle Shirtwaist Fire (1911)
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Political Reforms City governments not controlled by political bosses. Galveston System City manager System Reforms for States: Direct Primary Initiative Referendum Recall Reforms at National Level: 16th Amendment: Income Tax 17th Amendment: Direct Election of Senators 18th Amendment: Prohibition 19th Amendment: Women’s Suffrage