Access to Justice in the Workplace: The Link Between Union Density and the Rule of Law Christopher David Ruiz Cameron © 2012
The World Justice Project Mission Founders and underwriters Rule of law index project
The World Justice Project ►‘Rule of law’: A definition ►Rule of law index factors
The World Justice Project ‘Rule of law’: A definition 4 universal principles 1. Government accountability 2. Laws clearly protect fundamental rights 3. Accessible, fair, efficient legal process 4. Independent adjudicators, counsel
The World Justice Project Rule of law index factors 8 measurements (2011) 1. Limited government powers 2. Absence of corruption 3. Order and security 4. Fundamental rights (e.g., freedom of association) 5. Open government 6. Regulatory enforcement 7. Access to civil justice (e.g., workplace grievances) 8. Effective criminal justice
The World Justice Project How USA Ranks Factor #4 Score 0.73/100 Global ranking 16/66 Regional ranking 10/12 Income group ranking 16/23
The World Justice Project How Canada Ranks Factor #4 Score 0.79/100 Global ranking 14/66 Regional ranking 9/12 Income group ranking 14/23
The World Justice Project How USA Ranks Factor #7 Score 0.63/100 Global ranking 21/66 Regional ranking 11/12 Income group ranking 20/23
The World Justice Project How Canada Ranks Factor #7 Score 0.66/100 Global ranking 16/66 Regional ranking 9/12 Income group ranking 16/23
The Role of Union Density Why Aren’t We Number 1? Factor #4: USA vs. Global Top 5 ROLI Union density* OECD rank* #1 Sweden 0.92 68.3% #2 #2 Norway 0.90 53.3% #5 #3 Netherlands 0.87 18.9% #18 #4 New Zealand 0.86 20.6% #15 #5 Austria 0.85 29.1% #10 #19 United States 0.73 11.9% #29 *All figures 2008
The Role of Union Density Why Aren’t We Number 1? Factor #4: USA vs. Global Bottom 5 ROLI Union density* OECD rank* #19 United States 0.73 11.9% #29 #62 Cambodia 0.41 -- -- #63 Pakistan 0.40 -- -- #64 China 0.40 -- -- #65 Ethiopia 0.39 -- -- #66 Iran 0.32 -- --
The Role of Union Density Why Aren’t We Number 1? Factor #4: USA vs. Emerging Nations ROLI Union density* OECD rank* #17 South Korea 0.76 10.3% #30 #18 Chile 0.74 13.6% #28 #19 United States 0.73 11.9% #29 #24 Peru 0.72 68.3% #2 -- -- -- --
The Role of Union Density Why Aren’t We Number 1? Factor #7: USA vs. Global Top 5 ROLI Union density* OECD rank* #1 Norway 0.81 53.3% #5 #2 Germany 0.79 19.1% #17 #3 Netherlands 0.79 18.9% #18 #4 New Zealand 0.78 20.6% #15 #5 Sweden 0.76 68.3% #2 #21 United States 0.63 11.9% #29
The Role of Union Density Why Aren’t We Number 1? Factor #7: USA vs. Bottom 5 ROLI Union density* OECD rank* #21 United States 0.63 11.9% #29 #62 Bangladesh 0.41 -- -- #63 Ukraine 0.40 -- -- #64 Cambodia 0.36 -- -- #65 Liberia 0.35 -- -- #66 Pakistan 0.32 -- --
The Role of Union Density Why Aren’t We Number 1? Factor #7: USA vs. Emerging Nations ROLI Union density* OECD rank* #6 Estonia 0.73 7.0% #32 #12 Hong Kong 0.68 -- -- #17 South Korea 0.66 10.3% #30 #18 Chile 0.65 13.6% #28 #20 Czech Republic 0.64 17.4% #22 #21 United States 0.63 11.9% #29
The Role of Union Density Why Is Union Density So Important? Some Observations ► ROLI score, union density ≈ correlated ► 20% rule? ► Democratizing functions of unionism
Key References The World Justice Project Rule of Law Index 2011 (Mark David Agrast, Juan Carlos Botero & Alejandro Ponce, eds.), available at Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, Trade Union Density, available at http://stats.oecd.index.aspx?DataSetCode+UN_DEN (extracted Sep. 30, 2011)