Filling in an inquiry at the time of the learners’ register. Inquiry 1) What is the need/aim of your customers/project? (Have you found ways to examine this – for example by surveys, questionnaires etc?) Filling in an inquiry at the time of the learners’ register. Inquiry Processing the information and data analysis PORTUGAL PRESENTATION BERLIN. June.2007
2) Target group analysis (Which is the main target group for your organisation? Do you have several? How did you choose your target group(s)? How do you reach them?) Teachers PORTUGAL PRESENTATION BERLIN. June.2007 Retired teachers Ask for Time Interest Wish to Keep up with grandkid’s Schooling
This is a very good model 3) Training curriculum (Describe briefly your model for teaching. Why did you choose this model?) Two moments in the teaching process: The teacher shows the contents The teacher challenges learners to do an exercise related to the content that has been trained The teacher becomes a tutor. She clarifies each student’s doubts and gives new explanations. This is a very good model The students must help each other Hear and memorize Practice
All these material are essencial for the learning process 4) Training material (What type of material do you use? Why have you chosen it? Does the training material differ with different target groups?) Computer Pen drive CD-Rom Working Sheets All these material are essencial for the learning process PORTUGAL PRESENTATION BERLIN. June.2007
5) Evaluation (Do you evaluate your courses? How? If not – how come?) Evaluation of the training and also of the teacher by learners In the last session, students fill in an inquiry, in order to evaluate the training and the teacher’s quality Inquiry Results PORTUGAL PRESENTATION BERLIN. June.2007
Pensionists training is full financed by TU. 6) Funding (How do you finance the education you offer? Is it part of your regular work or do you arrange individual projects? Is it free for the participants or do they pay a fee?) Pensionists training is full financed by TU. Everything that is conected with Trade Union depends on its members’ fees. As long as members have their fees up to date they can use all the services provided by the Trade Union. PORTUGAL PRESENTATION BERLIN. June.2007