Africa Local Government Action Forum (ALGAF): Experiences of Ghana


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Presentation transcript:

Africa Local Government Action Forum (ALGAF): Experiences of Ghana Prepare for FALGAF Session May 14, 2009 by Mrs. Vivian H.M. Attah GIMPA DLC By Mrs. Vivian H.M. Attah, Acting Director, GIMPA DLC, May 14, 2009

Coordinating AGLAF: What’s at stake? ALGAF as a capacity building initiative addresses numerous local economic development issues such as: Inadequate human resource capacity Poor and high cost of service delivery Vicious cycle of poverty within communities Poor governance Exclusion of the poor and vulnerable i Misuse of resources Etc. By Mrs. Vivian H.M. Attah, Acting Director, GIMPA DLC, May 14, 2009

Role of the Coordinator Identify target audience Position/title Background, expertise, work, publications, contributions and assignments in a particular area Role of that person in his community, subsector, industry or field By Mrs. Vivian H.M. Attah, Acting Director, GIMPA DLC, May 14, 2009

How To Make Coordination Effective? Logistics Knowledge of topics, dates, presenters, presentations, invitations sent out with follow-ups Conducting evaluations Keep contact and some details on past and potential participants Send materials to participants ahead of session Record of institutions that are likely to benefit from a particular topic or theme By Mrs. Vivian H.M. Attah, Acting Director, GIMPA DLC, May 14, 2009

World Bank Support for Coordinator Get to know focal person in the World Bank Country Office Assist with identifying participants and presenters Attends sessions Keep him posted on events of ALGAF By Mrs. Vivian H.M. Attah, Acting Director, GIMPA DLC, May 14, 2009

Being A Facilitator: What Does It Mean? Create right environment for participants to enjoy all aspects of session Make learning experience motivating for all participants Make sessions interactive Manage sessions by giving every participant the opportunity to be heard at pre-video or during the video conference Assist participants derive maximum benefit from session by making them interactive Manage sessions by giving every participant the opportunity to be heard at pre-video or during the video conference By Mrs. Vivian H.M. Attah, Acting Director, GIMPA DLC, May 14, 2009

What Is Expected From Facilitators During And Between VC? By Mrs. Vivian H.M. Attah, Acting Director, GIMPA DLC, May 14, 2009

Facilitators Role During VC Ensure registration of participants prior to VC Ensure participants are seated before VC Introduce participants Reproduce and distribute presentations , reading materials and running order Discuss presentation with participants Take note of emerging issues to be shared with participating countries or presenter during Q & A Ensure orderliness in the way interactions take place Control microphone at the local site Arrange refreshment By Mrs. Vivian H.M. Attah, Acting Director, GIMPA DLC, May 14, 2009

Facilitators Role Between VC Liaise with principal coordinator, country coordinators/facilitators, partners and participants Participant’s list, evaluations, questions, comments, certification, contributions, etc. Stay in touch with participants Prepare towards next event Communicate within coordinators’/facilitators‘ loop Communicate with target audience, participants, LAs, MDAs, Public and private service providers, CSOs, NGOs and FBOs Send feedback - country reports, By Mrs. Vivian H.M. Attah, Acting Director, GIMPA DLC, May 14, 2009

Difficulties (Challenges) Lack of response from invitees Late submissions from invitees Lack of cooperation from local government authority Low participation from local government officials Institutional transition Late submission of presentations Late issuance of certificates By Mrs. Vivian H.M. Attah, Acting Director, GIMPA DLC, May 14, 2009

How Does The Coordination Support The Facilitators? Through regular contact with local coordinators/facilitators Follow-ups with presenters and sponsors Payments Compilation of consolidated reports and their distribution By Mrs. Vivian H.M. Attah, Acting Director, GIMPA DLC, May 14, 2009

How To Decide On Themes/Topics For Sessions Participatory ALGAF evaluation with all participating sites Participants Coordinator/facilitator Institutions that have attended End of theme evaluation Grouping/clustering of topics for themes Topics grouped under these themes Prioritization of themes and topics Suggestions of topics participants local coordinator/facilitator By Mrs. Vivian H.M. Attah, Acting Director, GIMPA DLC, May 14, 2009

How To Identify Presentations Issues of national or regional concern HIV AIDS Global financial, fuel and crises Climate change Conflict management Availability of resource person/presenter in- country By Mrs. Vivian H.M. Attah, Acting Director, GIMPA DLC, May 14, 2009

How To Make Sure Participants Benefit Fully From Presentations? Country perspective is given Localization of concepts Organize local discussions on topics before or after presentations Invite a subject expert to assist with answering and addressing issues Follow-up with presenter for clarification and answers By Mrs. Vivian H.M. Attah, Acting Director, GIMPA DLC, May 14, 2009

Conclusion Cost effective capacity building event Rich country experiences Sharing among participants Africa’s solutions by Africans Emerging youth groups on various aspects of local economic development By Mrs. Vivian H.M. Attah, Acting Director, GIMPA DLC, May 14, 2009

Thanks for Your Patience! Contact: Links for the GDLN Centres: GHANA By Mrs. Vivian H.M. Attah, Acting Director, GIMPA DLC, May 14, 2009