Is Reproductive Cloning of Humans feasible or necessary? Group 1C-beta
What is reproductive cloning? Making a genetically identical individual Not therapeutic cloning Naturally – identical twins Source -> Newcastle University Cloned embryos
Pros Like any other research Is God really against it? Nature x nurture Perfect babies Infertile parents Therapeutic purposes
Cons Unsafe technology Playing God Complicating genetic & social relationships Eugenics IVF, adoption available Child treated as a donor object
Feasible or necessary? Investment of time & research needed Not particularly necessary – always other options available But lower costs than some options Currently banned in most countries Never ending ethical issues
Further reading Reproductive cloning Cloning Fact Sheet (2009). Human Genome Project Information (1 March 2011) Human reproductive cloning and IVF Elsner, D. (2006). Just another reproductive technology? The ethics of human reproductive cloning as an experimental medical procedure. Journal of Medical Ethics 32, 596-600. Natural clones Reed, S. (2001). Human Cloning: my sister, my clone. Time,9171,999234,00.html (1 March 2011) Dolly Dolly the sheep clone dies young (2003). BBC News (1 March 2011)
Further reading Pros and cons of reproductive cloning Reproductive cloning arguments pro and con (2006). Center for genetics and society (1 March 2011) Cloning and mitochondrial disorders Brice, P. (2009). Step towards therapeutic cloning for mitochondrial diseases. PHG Foundation (1 March 2011) UK scientists clone human embryo UK scientists clone human embryo (2005). BBC News (1 March 2011)