Fiscal Transparency Commitments in OGP National Action Plans GOVERNMENT OF REPUBLIC OF MOLDOVA WORKSHOP FISCAL TRANSPARENCY COMMITMENTS IN OGP’S NATIONAL ACTION PLANS MOLDOVA: Fiscal Transparency Commitments in OGP National Action Plans IURIE ȚURCANU Government Chief Information Officer, Government of Republic of Moldova Advisor to Prime Minister on e-Governance Executive Director, eGC WASHINGTON JUNE 20, 2016
STATUS Joined OGP in April, 2012 Implemented 2 National Action Plans with a focus on transparency, open data, public participation 3rd National Action Plan is expected to be approved in July Among the top ten countries, in terms of the total number of completed commitments – 16 Among the countries with the largest number of commitments rated as of potentially moderate or transformative impact - 31 Among the weakest 10 performers, in terms of the number of commitments rated ‘not started’ – 13 Among the countries with the most notable progress in implementation of FT commitments – 8 out of 14 FT commitments Number of star FT commitments - 6
3rd 22nd in 2015 46th in 2014 GLOBAL RANKING OPEN DATA INDEX OPEN CORPORATE 3rd
FISCal transparency practices Open Budget Spending Open External Assistance to the Country Monthly reports on budget execution published as open data
3rd NAP // MAJOR COMMITMENTS on fiscal transparency Implementation of Open Contracting Data Standard As a result we expect the government and civil society to cooperate in publishing shareable, reusable, machine readable data, to join that data with their own information, and to create tools to analyze or share that data. Information on all stages of the contracting process – planning, contract awarding, monitoring the execution and payments to be made available to the public. Actively involve civil society in monitoring of execution of public procurement contracts Records of actual national government spending detailed at transactional level to be published as open data Including local budgets Make the budget planning as part of medium-term budgetary framework more participative process by presenting it as publicly available and interactive calendar, with all planned meetings broadcasted online.