Within the Body of Christ The Church Within the Body of Christ
Journey We join a journey already in progress Past Creation, “The Fall” and The promise Salvation History Jesus Church Present Baptism brings us into membership in the Church We continue Jesus’ saving actions within the Church Future We join the Church in heaven The people of God have been on this journey since creation. The People of God are the Church. Begins at creation Is formed or takes shape with Abraham and the OT leaders Is instituted or established by Jesus Is made visible at the Pentecost
The Church is… Trinitarian Christ- Centered Community Trinity is the central mystery of our faith Unity of three equal, consubstantial, yet distinct persons Christ- Centered Jesus is the Alpha and Omega The Way, the Truth and the Life Teaches us about the Father and gives us the Holy Spirit to guide us Gives us the sacraments as a means to salvation and shows us the moral path to salvation Community Humans are relational in the same way the Trinity is Church community transcends the physical world and includes the community in heaven and in purgatory
The Church is… Sacramental Eucharistic Biblically Based A sacrament is a gift from God that leads us back to God. It reveals God to us and celebrates His love for us through Jesus and the sacraments Eucharistic Everything is rooted in the Eucharist, that is Jesus’ presence with us Community Proclaimed word Ordained minister Consecrated bread and wine Biblically Based Teachings based in Old Testament and New Testament and the interpretation by the Church
The Church Has Marks or Characteristics One One source One soul, the Holy Spirit One body in Christ Holy Jesus sacrificed Himself for the Church The holiness of the Church makes its members holy. Catholic The Church is for all people, everywhere We are called to discipleship with the guidance of the Holy Spirit Apostolic Founded by Jesus and built on Peter and the Apostles They passed the authority given to them by Jesus on to the Pope and Bishops, (Magisterium) The Church continues the mission begun by Christ and passed on to the Apostles.
The Church is active in Society Advocates Justice The Church emphasizes seven principles of social justice The Church through its charities provides direct aid to people in need Has a positive view of creation, the world, and human nature. Faith and reason are partners God reveals himself in Scripture God is present in the world and can be known by natural
A Common Destination “God made us to share His love and to have a relationship with us both here on earth and in Heaven”
Because of Original Sin, obstacles appeared on our road
Within our Faith Communities we find the help we need to overcome those obstacles & complete our journey
All humans come from God and are created to return to Him
Why??? For the Glory of God… And the Good of the World. All that we have comes from God so when we use what God has given us we are giving glory and praise to God for His gifts. We should not seek the glory because without God nothing is possible; it is only with God that we are able to accomplish anything And the Good of the World. All that God has given us is for us to use for collaboration among all people, not for our own benefit alone