Get Moving Game Design Challenge
Background Information Being active helps people stay healthy and fit. A lot of people do not get enough exercise.
Problem Design an indoor game that will get people moving. This game should be fun and not too complicated.
Purpose We will actually set up a carnival so others can play your game!
Brainstorm Make a list of action words such as drop, throw, etc. What games might you play at recess, camp , or a carnival? What does it mean to invent a game? New equipment? New rules? Changing a familiar game?
Design Take a look at the materials available. Design your game. Draw a diagram and label it in your notebook. Make a list of what materials you need. Show your diagram and list to your teacher to receive your supplies.
Build, Test, and Redesign Build you game. Play your game. Is it fun? Does it get people moving? Is it easy to learn? How can you make your game better? Make a signs for your game. What is the name of your game? What are the instructions? Ask people in your room to play your game. Do they understand how to play? What are the features of your game that would make someone want to play?
Notes When a piece of equipment or rule isn’t working, change it! Testing and redesigning are important steps when you invent something.
It’s Carnival Time!