Kirsten Capps Ethics Case Study PPT May 12, 2012 Abortion Kirsten Capps Ethics Case Study PPT May 12, 2012
History Procedure to end a pregnancy Medicine or surgery removes the embryo or fetus and placenta from the uterus. The procedure is done by a licensed physician or someone acting under the supervision of a licensed physician. The picture shows a fetus and placenta after it has been removed. Taken from “”
Facts More than 1 out of 3 women in the U.S. have an abortion by the time they are 45 years old 2 kinds of abortion In-clinic ($300-$950 1st trimester) Pill ($300- $800) Statistic from (Parenthood, 2012) The pill can be taken up to 9 weeks after a missed period. Then an in-clinic is necessary.
What If? What if the mother will die if she carries the fetus full term? What if the baby has a confirmed genetic retardation? What if the pregnant woman was raped?
What is the difference between these photos? Conflicting Values Abortion is murder. Even though they are not born they are still alive What is the difference between these photos?
Unknown Facts What happens to the kids put up for adoption? There are many children in the government system waiting to be adopted. However, there is a much greater chance of a newborn getting adopted and if the mother was working with an agency it would pretty much be guaranteed. Is there any harm to the mother? No, the pill and in-clinic are both safe and approved by the government. I couldn’t really think of any facts that would be unknown. This ethical dilemma does not have many unknowns.
Individuals or Groups Pro-Life Organizations Pro-Choice Organizations Groups which believe abortion is not the answer. Pro-Choice Organizations Groups which believe the women should have the option to abort.
Utilitarian The correct choice of action is the one with the most overall “happiness” In the mothers case she would be most happy to abort In the fetus case, they obviously should be given the opportunity to experience life.
Rights Everyone should be given the right to live Everyone should be given the right to make their own decisions
Fairness or Justice I think it is fairness that determines if the women should be able to make her own decision I think it is justice to allow the fetus to live
Common Good Shared and beneficial for all (or most) members of a given community An abortion may be seen as good from members of a community because if the mother can’t afford the baby then the taxpayers will have to pay for it.
Virtue Promoting collective and individual greatness Having an abortion is not virtuous. Following through with what you created would demonstrate virtuous.
Options Stem Cell Research Adoption Stem cells can develop into different cell types. Renewable source of replacement cells to treat diseases, conditions, and disabilities Adoption The baby could be given to a family that cannot have children. (Medicine, 2012) Stem cells can be used to treat paralysis and other diseases that were once incurable.
References C.E. Harris, J. (2007). Applying Moral Theories. Belmont: Thomson Higher Education. Medicine, U. N. (2012, March 08). Medline Plus. Retrieved May 12, 2012, from Abortion: Parenthood, P. (2012). Health Info & Services. Retrieved May 12, 2012, from Abortion: 4260.asp Stem Cell Basics . In Stem Cell Information [World Wide Web site]. Bethesda, MD: National Institutes of Health, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, 2009 [cited Saturday, May 12, 2012] <>
Personal Analysis D: I think the Fairness/Justice is the best theory to use because it looks at the point from both the mother and fetus standpoint. E: I am currently taking precautions to ensure I do not get pregnant. I would not get an abortion. F: I still think abortion is wrong but if there is no other option for the situation this project enlightened me on what else can be done, such as stem cell usage. A: I have always thought abortion was wrong. Unless the women was raped or carrying the baby would cause the other to die, I see no reason why they cannot have the baby. B: If the women who got pregnant was “mature” enough to have sex then she should have been mature enough to be on birth control if she didn’t want a child. An abortion is simply a “get out of jail free card”. To me, all of the ethical theories point to abortion being wrong. The good or best thing to do for everyone would be to let the fetus live and give it up for adoption. All in all this project has helped me look into what pro-choice supporters see and I do have to agree with some of the points made. I think in the end it should be the mothers choice as to what she wants to do but hopefully they will know all of the options available to them.