Training Calendar (TC) Click to start the tutorial… Linkage between Training Tracker & Training Calendar… The Training Tracker and Training Calendar tools are tightly integrated, allowing training administrators to complement Training Tracker’s training assignment, notification and tracking capabilities with Training Calendar’s streamlined interface for delivering training for instructor-led courses! This step-by-step tutorial shows how to leverage the integration…. Training Tracker (TT) …enables management of employee training requirements via a multi-tiered training matrix; and simplifies employee training requirements notification and completion tracking. Training Calendar (TC) …enables trainers to establish training sessions for instructor-led courses and student on-line registration to meet training requirements Step 2: Select T Calendar enabled course Step 3: Select the E-Enroll button after selecting the specific TC-enabled course Step 4: Select a Training Calendar Session on E-Enroll page and click Select Session button Step 5: Select employees and click the Add Employee to Session button Step 1: From the TT Homepage select criteria to display requirements and click the Show Training button Click to start the tutorial… 1.Tag courses in TT as TC-enabled where appropriate 2.Add Training Session in Training Calendar for each TC-enabled course 3.E-Enroll employees from TT summary page for TC-enabled courses 4.Deliver training, confirm TC Session Attendance, auto-log TT training Step 2: Click the Add button to add a new training session Step 3: Enter the training session details (You must enable the Training Calendar option in Training Tracker for each Course Code) Step 4: Click the Add Training Session button Step 1: From the T Calendar homepage click the Administrator Access link located in the bottom left corner Step 2: Click Manage Session Attendance list link to manage your attendance and training completion from there Step 3: Check the box to mark attendance Step 1: From the Training Calendar homepage, select a session topic from the left side of the page and click the View Session button Step 4: Auto-log completion/failure records to Training Tracker and click the Update Records button Instructor-led courses must be defined in TT as Training Calendar-enabled in order to use TT/Training Calendar integration feature Define a T-Cal enabled course from the add/edit course page Select a T-Cal enabled course from the the site summary page All instructed-led courses defined as Training Calendar enabled will have the T-Cal symbol here The process is Pocket PC enabled… click here for more details! © 2010, Gensuite®. All rights reserved.