How does memory work??.


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Presentation transcript:

How does memory work??

Memory ‘is the retention of information over time’ Three stages: Sensory memory Short-term memory Long-term memory

Short term memory Limited capacity Duration is limited Information can be easily lost Information passed to long-term memory by active processing

Long Term Memory Very large capacity – possibly unlimited Very long duration Input from short-term memory by active processing

Steps to remembering: organise information order information to be learned create images Repeat, revise and practise recalling

How many things can you remember? Memory Games How many things can you remember?

Listen to each list of numbers. Try and rewrite the list. 8 5 3 1 9 4 6 3 1 5 2 9 8 7 3 5 4 6 1 9 7 4 3 5 1 6 8 9 2 4 9 1 2 5 8 3 6 4 2 3 5 6 8 6 3 1 2 4 7 5 9 3 1 4 6 8 2 9 7 2 1 5 2 7 9 8 3 1 4 6 2 5 1

8 5 3 1 9 4 6 3 1 5 2 9 8 7 3 5 4 6 1 9 7 4 3 5 1 6 8 9 2 4 9 1 2 5 8 3 6 4 2 3 5 6 8 6 3 1 2 4 7 5 9 3 1 4 6 8 2 9 7 2 1 5 2 7 9 8 3 1 4 6 2 5 1

How many things can you remember? 7 (plus or minus 2) Which numbers did you remember? Did you find it easier to remember numbers from the beginning and ends of the list? We tend to remember things from the beginning or end of a learning session best

30 words

Recall while learning Unusual Time Recall Related Repeated

Black Green Yellow Blue Yellow Blue Red Green Green Red Yellow Black Blue Black Red Green

Black Green Yellow Blue Yellow Blue Red Green Green Red Yellow Black Blue Black Red Green

Is the dancer spinning clockwise or anticlockwise?

If you saw her spinning anticlockwise you are more left brained than right brained. If you saw her spinning clockwise you are more right brained than left brained.

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How we learn… Use your senses Use your visual memory Draw pictures, patterns, use colours!