Mrs. Campos’ class had perfect attendance for a whole week! BELIEVE IT AND WE WILL ACHIEVE IT! YORKTOWN PROUD! YORKTOWN ELEMENTARY NEWSLETTER Important Dates for February 1st: College Day 7th: Benchmark Testing: 4th Writing, 5th Math 8th: Benchmark Testing: 5th Reading 10th: 4th six weeks ends 13th Family Game Night 5:30-6:30 14th: ABC Fundraiser starts 15th: Report Cards go home 20th: Student Holiday/ Staff development 22nd: Dentist will be at school 27th- Mar 2nd: Book fair 28th: ABC Fundraiser ends Mar 2nd: Family Reading Night/ Open House Mrs. Campos’ class had perfect attendance for a whole week! All students were here every day, all day so as a reward, they chose to tape Ms. Edwards to the door! They had such a great time and all of the students loved to walk by and see her “hanging” there Please try to have your child at school-Learning happens every day! Principal: Pamela Edwards Counselor: Dina Menn Secretary: Rebecca Broll
College Day! Spring Benchmark Testing 4th Grade Writing February 7 Counselor Corner Spring Benchmark Testing 4th Grade Writing February 7 5th Grade Math 5th Grade Reading February 8 The State of Texas Assessments of Academic Readiness (STAAR) will be administered this Spring 2017. For elementary, the STAAR measures the statewide curriculum in Reading at Grades 3-5; Writing at Grade 4; Mathematics at Grades 3-5; and Science at Grade 5. Your child will be participating in the following STAAR testing: Tuesday, March 28th 4th grade WRITING 5th grade MATH Wednesday, March 29th 5th grade READING Monday, May 8th 3rd & 4th grade MATH 5th grade MATH (retest) Tuesday, May 9th 3rd & 4th grade READING 5th grade READING (retest) Wednesday, May 10th 5th grade SCIENCE It is important that your child attend tutoring sessions with his/her teacher. This extra intervention and support is vital for your child’s success! College Day! To help encourage our students to talk about college and all of the possibilities, we will have college day on the 1st Wednesday of each month. Wear your favorite college shirt! Family Game Night February 13 from 5:30-6:30 in the cafeteria. Come join us for a night of family fun!