Estimate % of your plate Estimate % of your plate. Convert your % by using the multiplication values below. For Example: Your 100mm plate is %90 full. If cells are collected in 10ml medium, 1 ml will cover %9 in another 100mm plate. If your transfer plate is 35mm plate instead of 100mm, then you have to multiply with the number below Your Plate corresponding to Transfer Plate. Number for 100mm to 355 mm is 6.9. To convert 9% in 100mm to % in 35mm = Multiply %9 with 6.9 to get % in 35mm; which is 62.1. Growth Area(cm2) Transfer Plate Your Plate 150mm plate 100mm plate 60mm plate 35 mm plate Multiply with 3.8 12-well plate To get 38.9 14.5 5.5 2.1 9.5 6-well plate 15.6 5.8 2.2 0.8 8 18.5 6.9 2.6 1.0 21 60 mm plate 7.0 0.4 55 100 mm plate 2.7 0.15 148 150 mm plate 0.14 0.05