Copyright © American Speech-Language-Hearing Association From: Vowel-Related Differences in Laryngeal Articulatory and Phonatory Function J Speech Lang Hear Res. 1998;41(4):712-724. doi:10.1044/jslhr.4104.712 Legend: Top Panel: Measurements made from EGG, oral air flow (), and intraoral air pressure (Po) signals during [pα] syllable repetitions. Measurements are marked numerically in the following order: 1 = voice onset time, 2 = peak oral air flow, 3 = mean phonatory air flow, 4 = end air flow, 5 = oral air flow duration, 6 = peak intraoral air pressures for estimation of subglottal air pressure, 7= EGGW, 8 = fundamental frequency Fo Bottom Panel: Measurement scheme for calculating EGGW and Fo. EGGW = A/A + B; Fo = 1/A + B. Date of download: 11/5/2017 Copyright © American Speech-Language-Hearing Association