The Road to the Constitution


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Presentation transcript:

The Road to the Constitution

Quick Review Declaration of Independence The Articles of Confederation Second Continental Congress Approved July 4, 1776 The Articles of Confederation 1777, our first constitution Weak federal government

The Constitutional Convention May 25, 1787 Independence Hall, Philadelphia An extraordinary group of men 55 men Well-educated Lawyers, merchants, college presidents, doctors, generals, governors, and planters with considerable political experience

Who was there? Who missed it? Benjamin Franklin 81, oldest delegate George Washington & James Madison Both would become president Thomas Jefferson & John Both were in Europe Patrick Henry Prominent Virginian He was invited but did not attend; he was against the convention

Procedures of the Convention Each state was only allowed one vote Majority votes from all states made decisions All discussions were a secret! Why…? This way, delegates could speak freely, without worry about how the public would react

What happened to the… Articles of Confederation??? The throw it away, decided to write a new constitution

Two Opposing Plans VS. Virginia vs. New Jersey

Primary Source Time! We need to know what the Virginia Plan and the New Jersey plan outlined and how they were different/similar to the AoC and the C. Get with a partner, read and complete Reading Set A.

Two Opposing Plans The Virginia Plan James Madison 3 branches of government Bicameral legislature (2 houses), determined by population Favored big states

Primary Source Time! Half the class will read the first debate The other half will read the second debate Then you will partner up and share!

Two Opposing Plans The New Jersey Plan William Patterson 3 branches of government Unicameral legislature (1 house) with equal representation Favored smaller states

Primary Source Time! We will all read through the debate over the New Jersey plan and fill in the graphic organizer

Final Assignment Pretend that you are an early American journalist sent from your state to the Congress to record what happens and reprt back. Summarize the debates that were at the Convention and explain the opposing sides. Make sure to include in your summary which state you are from, which side you support and why you support that side.

More arguing? What now? Controversy over counting slaves as a part of the population… At this time, there were 550,000 enslaved African Americans, mostly in the South

More arguing? What now? Southern states said…slaves should be counted as part of the population = more representatives for southern states Northern states said… slaves cannot vote or participate in government, they should not give the south more representatives

The Three-Fifths Compromise The conflict was finally resolved… Three-Fifths Compromise Every 5 enslaved persons would count as 3 free people Used for representation in Congress & figuring taxes

Finished…finally! September 17, 1787, finished up the Constitution Delegates signed it, said the Constitution would become the law of the land when… 9 out of 13 states ratified (approved) it

So everyone in the entire United States of America loved the Constitution and every state ratified it immediately and we all had a big party and we all lived happily ever after, right…?


A Divided Public Some people liked the Constitution, others did not Federalists = supporters of the new constitution & a strong federal government Federalism = A form of government in which power is divided between the federal (national) government and the states

A Divided Public Some Federalists wrote papers to rally support for the Constitution They were called the Federalist Papers (duh) Who wrote ‘em? Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, & John Jay

A Divided Public What about those who didn’t like the Constitution? Anti-Federalists = People opposed to the constitution & a strong federal government “Don’t forget individual rights!”

Reaching an Agreement Anti-Federalists wanted to add… The Bill of Rights The Federalists promised to do so, and did New Hampshire, 9th state to ratify June 21, 1788 The Constitution went into effect The last state to ratify…? Rhode Island, 1790