‘Respect – Integrity – Inclusiveness - Commitment’ ‘Partnership’ and ‘Accountability’ Welcome the Third Sector Forum here in [locality], these are your events, your opportunity to network and engage with other Third Sector organisations and partners, enable you to bring your experience, views and ideas on how the sector can contribute to our community planning partners and hopefully drive forward a positive outlook for this sector by highlighting the impact it has on the local and wider communities of South Lanarkshire. We would encourage you to get involved and contribute to what is your forum.
The agenda for today A brief overview of feedback from the August events. Health and Social Care Integration, the developing picture. Break and a chance to network with a selection of organisations showcasing their services. Big Lottery. Alzheimer's Scotland, Dementia Friendly Communities. Over to you and your chance to discuss locality matters.
The interactive sessions produced some very useful feedback Feedback from the August Events. Attendance level increased at the August events: The overall opinion of the August events improved again, on a scale of 1-5, the average score was 4.3. The interactive sessions produced some very useful feedback Key points of feedback from August.
What's working? / Strengths What needs to be improved Feedback from the August Events. What's working? / Strengths What needs to be improved Actions Community Assets Values Led with a diversity of skills Partnership Working Good Internal Systems Understand the wider sector Promotion of the sector Partnership Working Local Networking Key points of feedback from August. Use of a common language Promoting the sector and it's impact Increase partnerships Improved Networking / attend the TSF
Feedback from the August Events. Strengths Values Led with a diversity of skills Community Assets Actions Use a common language Promoting the sector and it's impact Improved Networking. Attend the TSF Increase partnerships Key points of feedback from August.
Feedback from the August Events. ‘We have community based assets that are values led with a wide and diverse skills base’. Key points of feedback from August.
Health and Social Care, the developing picture.. Changes in leadership... Further clarification of Structure…. A focus on key areas….. In-depth Data emerging.....
Health and Social Care, the developing picture.. Val de Souza Director of Health and Social Care: Val took up the post of Director of Health and Social Care on 19th September 2016, and undertakes the Executive lead role for Social Work Resources for South Lanarkshire Council and combines this with the Chief Officer role of the Health and Social Care Partnership. Val was formerly Head of Shared Social Services and Chief Social Work Officer for Stirling and Clackmannanshire Councils for almost five years. Changes in leadership...
Integration Joint Board Audit and Performance Sub Committee Strategic Commissioning Group Market Facilitation Position Statement Group Mental Health and Wellbeing Intermediate Care Early Intervention, Prevention and Health Improvement 4 Locality Planning Groups Support Care and Clinical Governance Group NHSL Pathway Group for Universal Health Visiting Pathway Older People’s Inspection Group Self-directed Support Implementation Group Local Housing Strategy Steering Group Operational Management Team Group Carers Strategy Group Children's Services Strategy Group Primary Care Transformation Programme This chart gives you an overview of the planning structures for the Integration of Health and Social Care. We are going to do an exercise shortly to focus our attention on where we fit in with the three areas along the bottom here
Health and Social Care, the developing picture.. Third Sector Alignment….. Mental Health and Wellbeing Intermediate Care Early Intervention, Prevention and Health Improvement Older People. Adult. Children and Young People. Adult. Children and Young People. Mental Health and Wellbeing is for everyone The focus for Intermediate Care is on Older people And Early Intervention Prevention and Health Improvement is across the board
How does the sector align with Health and Social Care Integration? South Lanarkshire’s Third Sector provides a range of services that align with HSCI, for example; Self Management, Independence, Connectivity, Health Education, Respite, Mental Health, Peer support, Information & Signposting, Befriending, Faith Groups, Activity Based Groups, Alternative Therapy, Addiction Services, Social Prescription, Housing Support, Condition Specific Support, Services for Children. Linking to the key Thematic Groups. Mental Health and Wellbeing Intermediate Care, Reducing Reliance on Hospital and Residential Care Early Intervention, Prevention and Health Improvement We as a sector are providing all of these things, contributing to this agenda, you’ll no doubt see this from this list
Health and Social Care, the developing picture.. A focus on key areas….. Mental Health and Wellbeing Intermediate Care Early Intervention, Prevention and Health Improvement Third Sector Input We carried out an exercise at a previous forum back in April designed to help categorise the plethora of Voluntary Sector Organisations and where they fit into the Health and Social Care Agenda. This was a in anticipation of there being a focus on certain areas, which has now come to fruition with the latest developments –the focus on these three areas. That exercise didn’t produce the results we had hoped for because organisations weren’t being specific enough about their provision so we ended up with information about voluntary sector services providing for example information and advice claiming to provide mental health services when in actual fact the mental health element was a by product or impact of the actual service. We’ve organised another workshop to progress this and to help you identify which of these areas you are most likely to be able to contribute to for a focus group. You may well sit with more than one . When you came in David probably gave you a number between 1 and 3 could all the 1s go to that table, 2s…and 3s In your groups discuss which area is most relevant for your organisation convince the other members of your choice and try to get them to agree. Challenge each other. When you’ve decided where you should be move to the relevant table for the next exercise. If you strongly believe your service fits across all three areas go to one area and make sure that this is recorded on the feedback sheet. OK now can you share what you do with the others and ask someone to record this. Are you interested in being part of a focus group? Where does your organisation sit within these areas?
- Break - A chance to network and talk to a selection of organisations showcasing their services.
Thank you for having me hear today, I’ve come to speak to you about the funding available through the Big Lottery Fund. I may have met some of you previously but those of you I haven’t met my name is Jennie Gibson and I an Area Officer working on the Lanarkshire Area Team.
Meet the Lanarkshire team… Jennie Gibson Clydesdale Hamilton Barry MacCormack Cumbernauld & North Corridor Wishaw & Shotts Kirsty Neal Motherwell Eimear Cassidy Airdrie Bellshill Coatbridge New Lanarkshire team covering the area, made up of two Area Managers and five Area Officers, who pictures you can see above. We will all be working across North and South Lanarkshire but all be focusing on specific geographical areas, based on the locality areas used by VASLAN and VANL. The aim of the team is to make more informed decisions by improving our knowledge of the area & the communities within it, better understanding the issues & strengths of in the areas, getting to know groups and the people living in Lanarkshire better. Lanarkshire@biglotteryfund.org.uk
We support a wide range of activities inc. core costs & salaries Our funding… Funding from £500 up to £1 million, through 8 programmes Activities running over 12 months to 5 years Can fund 100% But match funding encouraged! We support a wide range of activities inc. core costs & salaries (revenue & capital) Eight funding programmes awarding funds from £500 up to a million, however that being said the average large grants at present are around the £350k, only awarding larger in very exceptional circumstances. Depending on the programme you are applying to we can fund activities lasting between 12months and five years We can cover a wide range of costs inc. core costs and salaries, revenue and capital expenditure, again dependant on the programme We can cover 100% of costs but match funding is encouraged if you are applying to medium or large grants programmes.
This is a brief overview of the programmes that are currently open at the moment, I have all of this information available in a one page leaflet. The application process is proportionate to the amount you are applying for, and we have tried to make our processes as straightforward as possible. If you have applied for funding in the past we hope you will be pleasantly surprised by the forms and processes you are being asked to complete. I won’t go into detail here about the different funds available but please do come and speak to me later on if you have any potential applications you would like to discuss. Whichever fund you apply to your application will be assessed by a member of the Lanarkshire team, we will contact you as part of the assessment, and will try to visit with as many applicants as we can. Like wise if you require extra support to apply you can contact us.
You don’t need to be a registered charity! Three or more unrelated members on the management committee A constitution or governing documents If you haven’t applied for Big Lottery Funds before it can be easier than you might think to access small grants you don’t need to be a registered charity, all you require is… Again if you need extra support contact us A registered bank account with 2 signatories required to withdraw funds
people-led Strengths-based connected Three Approaches” of our new funding people-led Strengths-based connected When we introduced our new programmes around a year ago now, we also starting asking applicants to tell us more about how they are developing and delivering their services or activities. If you are applying to medium or large grants programmes you will be asked about these things specifically but we are also starting to ask about the approaches on all of our programmes. So I thought it would be using to explain what we mean by these three approaches in a little more detail.
people-led Meaningfully involving the people you’re working with in the development, design and delivery of your activity.
people-led Bottom up rather than top down approach Planning, steering, co-producing Mentors & peer support Past/current users on boards Engaging people in ongoing project planning An organisation established by local people in response to a local need Community should be involved in delivering activities, not simply participating in them. Simply being involved in consultations about a project’s development is not sufficiently people led. People led – An organisation established by local people in response to a local need is a good example of people led approach e.g. a new organisation set up to provide services following their withdrawal by other funding. Flexibility built in and continuously evolve, part of planning, try and change. We have this idea of how its going to go and factor in costing/staffing, as things go on.
strengths-based Making the most of, and building on, the skills and experiences of people and assets within communities.
strengths-based Physical assets Local informal or formal networks The ‘community spirit’ Local informal or formal networks Local culture & stories Public, private & voluntary orgs in their area that can help or be bought in Rediscovering skills & building resilience Rediscovering skills – rediscovering self worth. Building resilience in terms of individuals. Example of: a person with substance misuse issues. some of the best SB are the ones that allow them to rediscover their strengths as volunteers.
connected Having a good understanding of what others are doing locally, developing good working relationships & complementing and adding value to other relevant activity in your area.
connected Identify a clear gap to fill Be well connected to people, organisations and services in your areas, and demonstrate how you complement existing and planned activity. Identify a clear gap to fill Able to clearly map other provision and show differences Show how these connections bring about clear benefit of improved services Evidence that you make efforts to work with others, what trying to achieve with other orgs Clear referral processes with other projects Connection to the people in the communities, so they have those links with people, embedded in the community, community buy in. (visits, case-studies, consultation far ranging, local people on boards, groups are local/small ones) Connections comes out on a conversational level. Comes out more genuinely and naturally. Assure if more conversational stuff comes more naturally. FO’s easier to go out and meet. Intuitive. Not grading, purely judgement based.
When you are ready to apply… Application forms for small grants and Young Start available from the website, contact us for all other programmes No deadlines Competitive - average 50% success rate Contact us if you have difficulties using our forms or need support to apply for any reason
Get in touch! Lanarkshire@biglotteryfund.org.uk Advice line – 0300 123 7110 www.biglotterfund.org.uk/scotland
South Lanarkshire’s Third Sector - Who Cares?? We know that we are at a time of uncertainty for many in the voluntary sector. The savings proposed within South Lanarkshire Council highlights the pressing need to identify local solutions that reduce the pressures on overstretched public services.
Community led projects funded by the Integrated Care Fund Almost 2000 beneficiaries. 970 Older people. 570 unpaid carers. 298 people with mental ill-health. 165 new volunteers. The numerous community and voluntary organisations across the area, supporting a range of issues. The 70 organisations booked to attend the Third Sector Forum events. - They Care - Earlier we identified ‘We have community based assets that are values led with a wide and diverse skills base’. Organisations that care for their communities and service users, in many cases organisation that provide interventions central to key agenda areas. Yet……
How does the sector align with Health and Social Care Integration? South Lanarkshire’s Third Sector provides a range of services that align with HSCI, for example; Self Management, Independence, Connectivity, Health Education, Respite, Mental Health, Peer support, Information & Signposting, Befriending, Faith Groups, Activity Based Groups, Alternative Therapy, Addiction Services, Social Prescription, Housing Support, Condition Specific Support, Services for Children. Linking to the key Thematic Groups. Mental Health and Wellbeing Intermediate Care, Reducing Reliance on Hospital and Residential Care Early Intervention, Prevention and Health Improvement We as a sector are providing all of these things, contributing to this agenda, you’ll no doubt see this from this list
- Over to You - Now it’s over to you, are there any point you want to highlight?, areas that you would like VASLan to look at? It’s your forum, your chance to be involved.
- Closing Remarks -