Welcome to Year 4 September 2017
Structure of the day A few changes this year… 8:45 – 9. 20 9.00 9.30 10.20 10.40 11.40 12.10 -1..10 1.30 3.15 Monday 5 a day Maths /English B Guided Reading L Tuesday R U LKS2 Phase Assembly Wednesday Year 3 / 4 Singing E N Thursday A C Friday Achievers Assembly (Y4 SWIM) K H A few changes this year… 8:45 – 9. 20 ‘5 a day’ maths or assembly 9.20 – 10.20 = Maths 10.20 – 10.40 = Break 10.40 -11.40 = English 11.40 – 12.10 = Guided Reading 12:10 – 1:10 = Lunch 1:10 – 1:30 =assembly or handwriting / spelling 1.30 – 3.15 curriculum subjects 3:15 HOME (from classroom doors)
Positive Behaviour Points
Certificates: 250 = bronze 500=silver 750=gold 1000=platinum
Uniform and Equipment Thank you for making such an effort to support the uniform policy! If there’s an issue with uniform, please let a member of staff know on the door and we’ll do our best to help. P.E. kit should come in on a Monday and stay in all week Year 4 need a swimming kit every Friday
Gods and Mortals (Greeks) Year 3 Tremors (volcanoes) Gods and Mortals (Greeks) Scrumdidilyumptious (Food) Great Fire of Gateshead Year 4 I am warrior! (Romans) Potions (Harry Potter link) The Blue Abyss (oceans) Playlist (40s, 50s, 60s, 70s, 80s music) Road Trip USA
Maths curriculum Year 3 and Year 4 Three digit numbers Times Tables 3, 4 and 8. Formal written methods for multiplication and division. Telling the time to the nearest minute using analogue and 24 hour clocks. Four digit numbers All the times tables Negative numbers Roman Numerals Convert time using analogue and 24 hour clocks.
Homework – What and When Reading books out each night. Children must read at least 3 times a week. Please use a new page of the reading record each week. Please sign or initial at the bottom of each page. Spellings sent home Friday, tested following Friday SPaG or comprehension book sent home Friday, return by following Wednesday Maths 5-a-day (green book) sent home Friday, return by following Wednesday Tables constantly learned and revised
How else can I help at home? Times tables with division facts. (6x5=30 30÷5=6 30÷6=5) Telling the time and recapping key time facts. Measurements at home (baking in grams, ml etc) Number bonds (30+70=100 300+700 =1000) Read, read, read!
Websites (google ‘Woodlands Junior’) http://resources.woodlands-junior.kent.sch.uk/interactive/ (google ‘Woodlands Junior’) http://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/ks2/ (Google ‘BBC KS2’) http://www.topmarks.co.uk/ (Lots of games for all subjects) Google ‘times tables games’ Lots of apps also available – many are free!
Getting Stuck If your child is having difficulties, or has been unable to complete their homework, please see the class teacher or write a note. Teachers are happy to help! If you would like something explained to you so you can help your child, please ask! Children are expected to complete their homework at home. If this is an issue, an after school homework club will be taking place on Mondays at 3.15 -4.15pm
Reading Guided reading takes place daily. Each week your child will read with the teacher and TA. Reading records should be stamped to show guided reading has taken place. Children should be reading at least 3 times a week at home. Please check that books go home each night and come into school each day. Please listen to your child read weekly even if your child is on library books. One page per week of reading record. Please sign. Please join a local library – children can also read books from home or other libraries. Ask questions: Why does x feel ….? How do you know that…? What’s happened so far?
Coloured stickers on books to indicate the genre.
Writing Cold writes & Hot writes (see blue paper and pink paper work at parents evening) – progress Cursive handwriting Editing and green pen corrections Spelling, punctuation and grammar Verbs, adverbs, adjectives, nouns etc Full stops, capital letters, question marks, exclamation marks should be accurate. Children should be trying to use paragraphs, commas, speech punctuation
Assessment Children will be assessed termly Below, working towards, at, exceeding If your child is ‘at’ each term, they are still making progress as the expectations increase each term. Tests: reading comprehension, reading ages, arithmetic and reasoning (maths) and SPaG. Writing is assessed by looking at work in books.
Any Questions? If you think of any questions later on, please come and speak to us!