Stephen Childs Trinity College Dublin Grid-Ireland Stephen Childs Trinity College Dublin
Grid-Ireland overview The national computational Grid for Ireland Provides a single Grid layer to support Irish researchers Grid infrastructure managed from Operations Centre at TCD Clusters at sites locally managed (TCD ports Grid middleware) Funded by Enterprise Ireland, SFI, EU, HEA To change: View -> Header and Footer
Grid-Ireland infrastructure 18 institutions host Grid gateways (12 deployed in 2005) Operations Centre and central services at TCD Clusters connected: TCD and DIAS; soon: UCD (200 CPUs), Armagh, NUIG, UCC, … Connectivity over HEANet and ITNet gLite 3.0.2 To change: View -> Header and Footer
Virtual organisations Grid-enabled analysis of natural phenomena: DIAS, TCD, UCC, NUIG, Armagh, Met Eireann Resources: 200 CPUs at UCD (soon), 16 CPUs at DIAS, 16 CPUs at TCD (shared) A new non-von-Neumann execution architecture for the grid: UCC, TCD, NUIG. Resources: 16 CPUs at TCD (shared) Data mining of a strategic resource for Ireland: the National Seabed Survey. NUIG, UCD, UCC, GSI, Marine Institute. GeneGrid For Irish bio-informaticians TestGrid Used by Grid administrators to monitor and test the Grid-Ireland infrastructure Resources: 1 VM at each gateway SoloVO A catch-all VO for unaffiliated users Resources: 16 CPUs at TCD (soon) To change: View -> Header and Footer
TCD Operations Centre Management of Grid infrastructure Testing, porting and customisation of middleware Deployment to remote sites Remote management of servers Monitoring of Grid services Dissemination and training Grid user courses (three so far) Website and wiki Links to European Grid community Part of Regional OC for EGEE Partner in Staffing 4.5 FTE (at most!) To change: View -> Header and Footer
Grid-Ireland issues Connecting resources Getting users on board! Clusters with Grid as secondary access method CE and head-node in different admin. domains Getting users on board! MPI support crucial Have trained scientists: need follow-up? Distributed management Quattor, transactional deployment, large testbed Hardware issues Site contacts To change: View -> Header and Footer