3rd Coordination meeting- DAY II 27-29th June, Germany ERASMUS+ KA2 PROJECT: Enhancement of study programs in Public Health Law, Health Management, Health Economics and Health Informatics in Montenegro 3rd Coordination meeting- DAY II 27-29th June, Germany Project web site: www.ph-elim.net
3rd Coordination meeting- DAY II 27-29th June, Germany WP3- Creation of New Masterprogramm 3rd Coordination meeting- DAY II 27-29th June, Germany Project web site: www.ph-elim.net .
Project web site: www.ph-elim.net General contents of Master Program Faculties in ME appropriate for the program: economics (45), informatics (30) , medicine (10), law (5) Required courses and electives (not so many until there aren‘t many students) Preparatory courses ministries and institute of ph should say, what they need. Medicine Institute of Public Health Human Resources Management Health Technology Assessment Organizational Management Project Management Basics: Health system of ME and other countries Project web site: www.ph-elim.net
Accreditation within Economics faculty Where will the students find a job IPH - analytics Ministry of Health – policy, appropriate financing Insurance funds – financing, management IT-center Clinic center – all aspects, how to manage institutions that provide service
Project web site: www.ph-elim.net Medical Informatics contents of Master Program Information management in health care – health information system in ME, clinical information system for care and decision support, interoperability, strategic information management E-Health - mHealth Medical standardized terminologies and documentation Information infrastructures for research, secondary use, research data warehouses Evaluation of information systems Data security (informatics), data privacy (law) How to work with Databases – management, access them, analyse Data mining (no big data) – knowledge-based decision making for management health institution (not patient care) Evidence-based public health – were to search data evidence, indicators, how to calcute them, Use Databases from WHO (WHO health for all database), Eurostat, …. Medical Statistics and epidemiology – maybe part of economics courses Project web site: www.ph-elim.net
Other courses Medical signal- and image processing (to technical oriented) – other Bioinformatics (basic introduction) - other
Project web site: www.ph-elim.net Existing programs and courses xxx Project web site: www.ph-elim.net