Assimilation Processes Chapter 7
Overview Looking at the processes through which individuals adapt to organizational life Assimilation Those on-going behavioral and cognitive processes by which individuals join, become integrated into, and exit organizations.
Assimilation as a Dual Process Socialization An organization attempts to influence the adaptation of individuals through formal & informal processes. Individuals learn about the requirements of the job or decide certain things that will help them “fit” in the workplace Individualization Employees change some aspect of the organization to better suit their needs
Models of Organizational Socialization Phases of Socialization 1. Anticipatory Socialization The processes that occurs before an individual enters the organization 2. Encounter When a new employee enters the organization 3. Metamorphosis When the new employee is accepted as an insider (Spotlight on Scholarship..p. 124) 4. Should there be another phase?????
Content of Socialization Role related information Information, skills, procedures, and rules that individuals must grasp to do the job (explicit & implicit) Task, social, maintenance, innovation Organizational culture There are many different cultures Complex Geographical / lifestyle information Job benefits, community features, schools
Examples of Communication During Assimilation The Employment Interview Newcomer Information Seeking Role Development Processes Others?
The Employment Interview (both Interviewer & Interviewee) A recruiting and screening tool An information gathering tool A socialization tool Case in Point “The New Job Hunt” (p. 127)
Consider Uncertain Reduction Theory Relational comm. involves exchanging of personal information Deals w/ ways in which individuals come to know themselves and others in interaction Focus on self awareness and knowledge about others
Consider Uncertain Reduction Theory This theory predicts that individuals have a difficult time w/ uncertainty during relational communication, so they want to be able to predict behavior during interactions to lessen uncertainty They inform themselves about the person and how the interaction might occur When an individual is in a situation that they are unfamiliar with, such as an interview, she/he attempts to predict & prepare to cope with uncertainty.
Newcomer Information Seeking Tactics (critical to adaptation of newcomers during assimilation) Proactive roles More than passive Actively seeking information to adapt to roles and culture Information seeking strategies (p.130) -Social costs and also a need to reduce uncertainty
Role Taking Role Making Role Routinization Role Development Processes (concerned with how ind. interact to define & develop their roles) Role Taking Role Making Role Routinization In-Group Out-Group
Leader Member Exchange Theory (LMX) Org. members accomplish work through roles Theory predicts that individuals develop roles through interaction w/ others in the org. Relationship levels Consider nature of relationship (power dynamic) within the hierarchy and direction of communication Symmetrical=worker to worker (peers)-comm. differences are minimized Asymmetrical=supervisor to subordinate- comm. Differences are maximized
Organizational Exit Consider: Reasons for org. exit? Process similar to “entry” Co-workers left behind Role of communication during disengagement process Reasons for org. exit? Ageing and Retirement Dismissal Downsizing, Mergers, and Acquisitions Mobile society
Leaving an Organization Is a process, not an event A process that influences not only those who leave but those who are left behind Communication plays an important part