CHAS – Where are we now? John Murphy MBE CHAS Scheme Manager & SSIP Past Chair
Aim of this presentation To brief or update you on: The benefits CHAS has brought to industry. The journey so far. The challenges. The future for the scheme.
How far have we progressed? 1997 / 1998 in London Yorkshire in 2000 Online 2001 From 640 suppliers to 44,000 From 6 buyers to 515. Initially public sector now both public and private. From a team of 1 to 15 & 150 assessors From 20 assessments a month to over 1700!
The savings to Industry CONIAC CDM Evaluation Working Group: comments on CDM 2007 regulatory impact assessment (RIA). “ The assumption that the costs of checking competence would reduce over time is very optimistic” Two examples that undermine that statement…
Savings to Suppliers via Deemed to Satisfy Route Between Oct 2010 & Sept 2011 CHAS processed 2040 deemed to satisfy (DTS) requests Between Oct 2010 & Sept 2011 CHAS processed 2040 deemed to satisfy (DTS) requests Assuming the average time spent by supplier making a CHAS application is 7 hours Assuming the average time spent by supplier making a CHAS application is 7 hours Average cost per hour to supplier is £17.50 Average cost per hour to supplier is £17.50 Savings to suppliers using the deemed to satisfy route in the 12 month period to CHAS alone is £249,900 [2040 x (7 x 17.50) Savings to suppliers using the deemed to satisfy route in the 12 month period to CHAS alone is £249,900 [2040 x (7 x 17.50) Deemed to satisfy requests are increasing steadily and therefore moving forward it is fair to assume DTS requests will exceed 3000 next year – the savings to suppliers will therefore increase to £367,500.
Savings to Suppliers & Buyers by using CHAS Using data from 3 Buyers who have recently adopted CHAS/SSIP within their prequalification processes. Using data from 3 Buyers who have recently adopted CHAS/SSIP within their prequalification processes. 813 assessments were avoided by these Buyers as the supplier as they were already assessed compliant with CHAS. 813 assessments were avoided by these Buyers as the supplier as they were already assessed compliant with CHAS. Assuming the average time spent by supplier completing a pre-qual questionnaire is 7 hours Assuming the average time spent by supplier completing a pre-qual questionnaire is 7 hours The average cost per hour to supplier & buyer is £17.50 The average cost per hour to supplier & buyer is £17.50 Average time spent by buyer assessing an application is 3 hours Average time spent by buyer assessing an application is 3 hours Savings to suppliers & buyers (in relation to just these 3 buyers) is £142,275 [(813 x (7 x 17.50)) + (813 x (3 x 17.50))] We have 515 buyers!!!
Supplier Survey Monthly survey. 400 suppliers per month. Survey is on CHAS bulletin board. Summary of findings for 2010 / 11 Communications scored 4.1 Communications scored 4.1 Workplace processes scored 4.2 Workplace processes scored 4.2 Quality of service scored 4.1 Quality of service scored 4.1 Financial processes scored 3.9 Financial processes scored 3.9 Value for money 4.0 Value for money % found application straight-forward 88% found application straight-forward
Section 5 - Value for Money How would you rate the benefit of becoming CHAS compliant for your Company? Effect of CHAS compliance on reducing duplication in H+S Pre- qual assessments? How would you rate the effect the assessment has had to help improve health and safety within your Company? How would you rate the value for money of CHAS service? How would you rate your overall satisfaction with CHAS assessments and service? Section 5 - Overall
Links with others SSIP – CHAS founder member and Architect PAS 91 – Users SSIP principles Trades Associations – Strong support COINS – Major suppliers Alito – Web services Constructionline – Terminate MOU.
CHAS Development Appointed in house QA and safety Adviser Appointed Analyst Programmer Future proof the database Include insurances data Provide for on-line applications Provide a document depository Provide a bespoke service to buyers “Competefor” – nothing on health and safety.
The future PAS 91 – cover the other assessment criteria. Call management system Event Management – new area