Task Review the following cases choose one and write a 1-2 page essay (typed, 12 point font- times, double- spaced) on: How computer forensics was used.


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Presentation transcript:

Task Review the following cases choose one and write a 1-2 page essay (typed, 12 point font- times, double- spaced) on: How computer forensics was used. The result of the case. Your overall opinion of the events.

Jason Jones was arrested in a fatal shooting in the Bronx and faced the death penalty. A Surveillance camera and his MetroCard showed he could not have been at the scene of the crime. Charges were dropped. See Weiser, Benjamin, Murder Suspect Has Witness: A MetroCard, The New York Times, 2008, http://www.nytimes.com/2008/11/19/nyregion/19metrocard.html?_r=0 James Cahill was convicted of murdering his wife by sneaking into her hospital room and poisoning her with cyanide. Internet searches on his computer showed how to kill with cyanide, how to obtain cyanide and companies that use cyanide. See Man Accused of Poisoning Wife With Cyanide, The New York Times, 1998, http://www.nytimes.com/1998/11/05/nyregion/man-accused-of-poisoning-wife-with-cyanide.html More on the Scott Peterson murder trial. See Peterson computer shows Internet searches on boat launches, Bay City News, 2004, http://www.sfgate.com/news/article/Peterson-computer-shows-internet-searches-on-boat-2703609.php More on the BTK Killer. See How the Cops Caught BTK, American Bar Association Journal, 2006, http://www.abajournal.com/magazine/article/how_the_cops_caught_btk Casey Anthony was tried for the murder of her two-year-old daughter. Digital forensic evidence was presented by the prosecution on Internet searches for how to make chloroform. Anthony was found not guilty of murder. See Casey Anthony Trial Lawyers Speak Out About the Case's Controversial Forensics, Frontline PBS, 2012, http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/frontline/article/casey-anthony-trial-lawyers-speak-out-about-the-cases-controversial-forensics/ A high school sophomore from the Philadelphia school district sued his school on allegations that the MacBook laptops given to students were secretly spying on him via the laptop's' webcam-tracking program. See Kravets, David, School District Allegedly Snapped Thousands of Student Webcam Spy Pics, Wired, 2010, http://www.wired.com/2010/04/webcamscanda/

Rubric Point Value 4 points 3 points 2 points 1 point Topic Sentence Interesting, original topic sentence, reflecting thought and insight; focused on one interesting main idea. Clearly stated topic sentence presents one main idea. Acceptable topic sentence presents one idea. Missing, invalid, or inappropriate topic sentence;  main idea is missing. Supporting Details Interesting, concrete and descriptive examples and details with explanations that relate to the topic.   Examples and details relate to the topic and some explanation is included. Sufficient number of examples and details that relate to the topic. Insufficient, vague, or undeveloped examples. Organization and Transitions Thoughtful, logical progression of supporting examples; Mature transitions between ideas. Details are arranged in a logical progression; appropriate transitions. Acceptable arrangement of examples; transitions may be weak. No discernible pattern of organization; Unrelated details; no transitions. Style Appropriate tone, distinctive voice; pleasing variety in sentence structure; Vivid diction, precise word choices. Appropriate tone; Clear sentences with varied structures; Effective diction. Acceptable tone; some variety in sentence structures; Adequate diction and word choices. Inconsistent or Inappropriate tone; Awkward, unclear, or incomplete sentences; Bland diction, poor word choice. Mechanics Consistent standard English usage, spelling, and punctuation. No errors. Some errors, but none major, in usage, spelling, or punctuation. (1-2) A few errors in usage, spelling, or punctuation (3-4) Distracting errors in usage, spelling, or punctuation

Standards CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.WHST.9-10.2.B Develop the topic with well-chosen, relevant, and sufficient facts, extended definitions, concrete details, quotations, or other information and examples appropriate to the audience's knowledge of the topic. CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.WHST.9-10.6 Use technology, including the Internet, to produce, publish, and update individual or shared writing products, taking advantage of technology's capacity to link to other information and to display information flexibly and dynamically.